"Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting"

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Yuri awoke from the sunbeam shining on his face. He stretched and checked the time. 6:46. "Victor, it's time to wake up." He gave him a quick kiss and got out of bed. "I'll start a pot of coffee before I shower" he said as he was leaving the bedroom. Victor rubbed his eyes and cursed the sunbeam. "I'm awake" he grumbled. He staggered out of bed and lumbered to the bathroom to pee. Yuri trotted to the bathroom all chipper. "Good morning, sunshine" he said to Victor. "Your coffee is about ready." "Thanks, sweetheart." Yuri stepped in the shower and began to wash his hair. "Can I come in too?" Victor asked as he poked his head around the shower curtain. "No" Yuri said with a smile. Victor left to go have his morning coffee. The letter from the attorney was still on the kitchen table. He brushed it aside and sat down.

Yuri came in the kitchen all fresh and clean. "I like what you are wearing." "Thanks!" Yuri had dressed in khaki pants with a brown leather belt and a blue and green plaid long sleeved shirt. He sat down to put his brown shoes on. "Well, looks like it's my turn to shower." Victor gave Yuri a quick kiss as he left the kitchen.

Victor took a quick shower and dressed in dark gray trousers with a black belt and a medium blue long sleeved shirt. His decided to wear the new black shoes they wore to their wedding.

"How do I look?" he asked Yuri as he returned to the kitchen. "Very handsome." "Thank you", he said as he finished buttoning his cuff.

"If you're ready let's go" Victor said. "I think this will go smoothly." Yuri said as he got into the car.

The meeting started promptly at eight o'clock. There were a few other people before them. An hour later it was Victor and Yuri's turn to address the committee. Victor spoke "Good  morning ladies and gentlemen, my partner and I wish to purchase a large home in Forrest Lake and run it as a bed & breakfast. There are six available bedrooms each with a full bath, a large kitchen, and plenty of living space. Some of the amenities are an office, library, game room, large  patio with built-in grill, and a swimming pool. Can this property be run as a business?" Victor handed over the realtor's listing. They checked the address and looked on their city map. "We will get back to you gentlemen in about  fifteen minutes." Victor and Yuri sat down anxiously waiting for the committee board to hopefully give  them their approval.

Twenty minutes later Victor and Yuri were on their way to the realtor's office. "Good morning, Ms. Mitchell, we are prepared to make an offer on the house" Victor said excitedly. "Alright, let's draw up a contract." She wrote down all the information. "What is your best offer?" she asked. I am prepared to offer $899,000.  In cash." She looked up at Victor then at Yuri. "Oh!, Okay, I will submit your offer to the owners and I will contact you as soon as I can. I just need your signatures then we are all done.", she said smiling. "Good day, gentlemen." "Thank you" Victor said.

"Yuri, I think it's in the bag! I can feel it!" Victor said excitedly and he hugged Yuri. "Let's go to Percorso's for lunch."

Victor was still giddy when they got back home. He kept checking his cell phone for a message from Ms. Mitchell. "I hope they accept our offer" Yuri said. "I think paying in cash will work to our advantage" Victor said. "I agree with that" Yuri said. "Are we going back out at all tonight?" he asked Victor. "No, let's stay home tonight." "I'm going to change into my sweats" Yuri said. "Oh, me too." Yuri hung his trousers and shirt back on their hangers. "Hand me your clothes, Victor. Thanks." Yuri closed the closet door and climbed onto the bed and laid down. Victor laid down beside him. "We need to make several lists of what we need to buy" Victor said. "And we will need permits and licenses too" said Yuri. "Let's put that on the back burner for now until we hear from Ms. Mitchell" he said. "Victor, do you feel like going for a run? We are dressed for it." "No, sweetheart. I feel kinda lazy right now." Victor's phone began buzzing. "It's Ms. Mitchell! Hello?" "Hello Mr. Nikiforov, I have good news! Your offer was accepted! We can finalize the papers Friday." "Okay, thank you so much!" "Yuri! We got it!" "Woo-hoo!" "Oh my God, oh-my-God!" Yuri hugged Victor. "This is a new beginning for us, sweetheart. I am so happy I can share this with you!" Then Victor planted a lingering kiss on Yuri's lips. "Tomorrow I will go to the bank and cash that check and withdraw the rest. "I just thought of the perfect name. Forrest Lake Bed & Breakfast. It has the location and what type of business all rolled into one." "That's perfect, Yuri. I like it. Tomorrow let's start on the lists. I want one of us to be in charge of the things we need to buy and the other to make all the calls." "Victor, I think I should be in charge of shopping. I honestly think you would spend way too much money." "I honestly agree with you. I love shopping! Okay, that is settled. I will make the calls." Victor exhaled a sigh of contentment. "This is good." he said. "Real good." Yuri said.

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