"Coming Down From the Clouds and Back Up Again?"

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"Did you enjoy your stay, gentlemen?" "Yes, thank you." Victor said. "Very much, thank you" said Yuri. "Because you had to extend your reservation due to the weather, I would like to offer you a free weekend stay at any of our locations." "Thank you again." Victor tucked the coupons in his billfold then they exited the hotel. "Would you like me to drive first, Victor?" asked Yuri. "I got it, Yuri. Thank you," Victor said kindly. "Yuri, sit closer to me please." Yuri scooted over and Victor put his arm around him. "I don't know what could top this vacation", Victor said. Yuri thought about the rings he had bought for them and what Victor had said if he had won the Grand Prix Final. Yuri reached up to hold Victor's hand and felt his ring. Victor already knew what Yuri was thinking. "Someday soon, Yuri, someday soon." Victor thought.

Victor and Yuri arrived home Wednesday afternoon. They unpacked and went out for lunch before picking Makkachin up from Yakov's.

"Victor, can I ask you a personal question?" Yuri asked while Victor soaked in the bathtub. Yuri was sitting on the toilet seat with his legs stretched out onto the tub's edge. "Of course. Yuri, Please don't ever feel you can't ask me something. I have no secrets from you because you are part of me. We are intertwined; you should know this." This last part Victor said rather sternly. "I know...uhmm, we spent a lot of money on our vacation and" "Yuri, stop." Victor said. "I am a five time gold medal champion and I am not retiring, we already discussed that. We will never, ever have to worry about money. Elite figure skaters are paid very well. When you receive your first gold medal, well, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Victor flicked bath water at Yuri getting his glasses wet. "Hey", Yuri said happily, his worries gone; and he jumped in the bathtub clothes and all! Laughing, "I will take care of the mess I made", Yuri said. "We will clean it up together," Victor retorted.

Victor tossed his towel into the bathroom and put on his thick green robe and laid down on the bed. Yuri had just come back from walking Makkachin. He fluffed up his Petbed and changed the water then gave Makkachin a Chewee. Yuri brought in two mugs of hot tea but Victor had fallen asleep watching the nightly news. Yuri turned off the TV and took the mugs of tea back to the kitchen. He poured Victor's down the sink and was sipping his tea when Victor silently crept up behind him and kissed the back of his neck. Yuri turned around to face him. "I thought you were asleep," Yuri said as he sipped his tea. "No, I was just resting my eyes." "Uhmm, where's my tea??" Victor asked leaning in closer to Yuri and tapping his fingers on the counter top. "Oh,..." "I will just take yours", he said with a smile. "You're messing with me, Victor." "Do you want me to mess with you, Yuri?" Victor set the mug down on the counter top and grabbed Yuri's t-shirt and twisted the fabric in his hand and pulled him in. "I asked if you want me to mess with you", Victor whispered. Yuri wriggled away from his grip and ran to the bedroom with Victor in hot pursuit. Victor tackled Yuri on the bed. "Am I seeing a side of you I don't know?!" Yuri said anxiously. "Yessss", Victor hissed and Yuri's eyes widened with a bit of fear..."Yuri, I am just kidding! Come here!" Yuri had went into the bathroom and locked the door. "Not funny!" he yelled out to Victor.

Victor was lying on his side on top of the covers waiting for Yuri to come out of the bathroom. "I'm sorry", Victor said. "I didn't mean to frighten you." "What the hell was that??" Yuri asked walking slowly to the bed. "People can really snap you know. Jackass." Yuri got undressed and climbed into bed and got under the warm covers. Victor took off his robe and got under the covers and snuggled up behind Yuri. Yuri turned over to face Victor. "Promise me you will never hurt me or cause me to hurt you. Promise me that," Yuri said. Victor took hold of Yuri's right hand and kissed it. "I promise", Victor whispered and then he hugged Yuri so tight not wanting to ever let go of him. "Victor, look at me. Look at me until I fall asleep!" Yuri commanded. Victor looked up with tears in his eyes. "I won't take my eyes off you."

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