Chapter Two. It was dented just like my heart.

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He was still just staring at me. I don't know what I felt. I just know it wasn't good. My gut had a bad feeling about this. He stood up and paced. He had his hand over his mouth. He stopped and looked at me, made some kind of sigh and walked over to the bed and grabbed a pillow. He put it up to his face and started manly screaming. He dropped the pillow and then dropped to his knees infront of me. 

"I thought that you loved me the moment you saw me. I thought that we were in love that we ARE in love!" he practically whispered dropping his face into his hands. I tried to put my hand on his shoulder and he pulled away from me. 

"I do love you! I have loved you from the moment I met you! I made a mistake! And we aren't even dating!" I said back to him. He looked up at me and kind of scoffed. 

"You're really going to justify this by saying we're not even dating? Loving someone isn't enough to stop you from sleeping with another man?" 

"It is! But Brad I was wasted! I didn't really know what I was doing! It won't ever happen again! I promise! Just give me a chance!" I almost yelled at him. He stood up walked over to the door and opened it. 

"You need to leave. I can't look at you right now. I need to think." He said quietly. I grabbed my purse and walked out the door. I was bawling I walked outside to my car and got in it. I turned it on and started driving. I was driving towards my parents home. On the same road that we crashed on. I was crying and driving fast.

That's what I do when I'm hurt. I think I cried even harder because this is the same road my parents died on. I hit a patch of ice and lost control of the car and tried to straighten it out and I drove into a tree. My head smacked on the steering wheel. I slowly pulled myself back upright and my hood was smoking. I pulled my seatbelt off and opened my door. There was an older man running over to me on the phone. 

"Miss are you okay? I've called an ambulence they're on their way!" he yelled out to me.

I nodded and walked over to the front of my car. It was dented alright. I dropped to my knees and cried. It was dented just like my heart. I heard the ambulence before I saw the lights. A couple guys ran down to me and one put a coat on me and they helped me to the ambulence and they laid me down on the stretcher inside. I was starting to lose consciousness. They had strapped an oxygen mask to my face. They were asking me yes or no questions when I blacked out. I knew I wasn't dead because I still felt the pain of my heart hurting. When I woke up I was laying on a hospital bed and Nick was standing over me. 

"Hey brat goodmorning. How you feeling?" He asked and I shrugged 

"I've been better. What's wrong with me?" 

"You just had a big lump and cut on your head thats all. You can leave here in a few." 

He went to go and grab the doctor. When they came back he checked me and then changed my bandages and told me I had stiches and blah blah this is how to take care of it and I want to see you in a week and go home and rest blah blah. 

"So wheres my car?" I asked Nick. 

"It's at the mechanics. We're getting it fixed for you right now." 

"Good, mom and dad got me that car." I said and he nodded helping me up. I changed into some clothes Al brought for me. We walked out of the room and Brad was sitting in the waiting room. When he saw me he ran over. Pulled me into his arms gently and held me. 

"I'm so sorry. If I hadn't made you leave this wouldn't have happened." He said and I felt so horrible. 

"It's not your fault. I'm fine see?" I told him and he grimaced. 

"Well looks like you guys get to stay at the house sooner than later." Nick announced and we got in his truck. He swung by the hotel so Brad could get his things and check out and then we went to mom and dads. It still looked the same. We went to my room and Brad put his things down. He gave me a kiss. 

"I love you. I forgive you. But from now on you're mine. I was going to give you this promise ring to show that I am commiting myself to you and want you to do the same." He said and held out a tiffany box. It was a perfect silver ring with a small heart made out of small diamonds on the top. It was perfect. He slid it on my ring finger. And gave me a kiss. 

"Merry early christmas Andy." He said and gave me a sweet kiss. 

I couldn't have been more happy than I was in that moment. I told him I would be back and I got in the truck and I drove out to my parents grave site. I sat down in between their spots and I told them all about me and Brad and today and the mistake I made. How much I loved him in such a short amount of time. How I didn't understand how I could love so powerfully in sich a short amount of time. How I wish they could see me now and meet him. How much I missed them. I talked for so long I probably got hypothermia from sitting in the snow for so long. I cut the talk short and got up and brushed off the snow. I got back in the truck and went back to the house. Nick and Brad we're talking about me so I tip toed closer to the living room. 

"You and my baby sister huh?" 

"Yeah. I love her. I know I shouldn't that we've only known each other for 1 month. But I do. I love her laugh, her eyes. The way her nose scrunches when she doesn't like something. The way she talks so passionatley about everything. I love the way she dresses. I love that she went back to her natural dark hair color. I love how she loves life." Brad said 

I just swooned. Literally. I'm like blushing so red. 

"Sounds real. But I swear man if you hurt her just remember she has three older very over protective older brothers you have to answer to. I'm not kidding I will beat the snot out of you. She's my baby sister. She's had enough bad in her life to last a lifetime. She deserves to be happy. And I guess that means being with you." 

"I promise you that I would never intentionally hurt her. Ever." 

I smiled and twirled my ring around my finger. When the conversation seemed to die down I walked into the livingroom and sat down next to Brad. He put his arm around my shoulders. 

"I just got done talking to mom and dad." I said looking at Nick. 

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