Chapter Six. Toe curling back scratching name screaming good.

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I talked to Ren for a while and then I got a call from the realator. She told me she found me the perfect house. I was going to have to use a good amount of the money my parents had put away from my college fund to pay for it. Since I had a scholarship for college. 

But I couldn't live in a sketch neighborhood anymore. 

I told her I would meet her at the house by 3:30. 

It was lunch and I didn't feel like sitting at my desk so I was about to leave when the coach asked me to grab him something to eat. He wanted a burger fries and a vanilla milkshake all the largest size they came in. So I went out to my truck and got in. I unrolled the windows because it was freaking hot in here. I turned on the music and Here it goes again started playing loudly. Jake hopped into my truck and Julian hopped in the back seat. I turned the music down and looked at them. 

"What are you guys doing!?" I asked polietly in a louder tone than normal. 

"Going to lunch. We'll just go through the burger joint drive through window and bring coach his food back." Jake replied with a smile. I shrugged and then Danny got in too. 

"Hey guys!" He said way to happily for my taste. 

I pulled out of my parking space and drove where they told me to drive and then got all the food. I realized I needed gas so I pulled over at the nearest gas station and got out and put the pump in the thing and started it. I ran inside to grab some gum. I was looking at some magazines while I waited. I grabbed the one that had me in Julians arms. I groaned. I paid for them and the girl behind the counter squeled. 

"OH MY GAWH! You're that girl!!!!" She said pointing at me on the cover of the mag. 

"Yep. Yep. I am." 

"Shouldn't you be happy! You and Julian are like totes cute!" 

"Me and Julian are just friends. This picture is a total misunderstanding."

"Sure. Will you take a picture with me!?" 


She pulled her phone out and ran around the counter and stood next to me and I smiled and she did too. 

"Can you sign my phone. You're so going to be famous." 

I shrugged and signed her phone and left. I pulled the pump out of my truck and tightened the cap and shut the lid and then paid for the gas with my card. Grabbed my receipt and got in the truck. I put the gum and mag in my purse and then drove back to the stadium. 

We brought coach his food and then I went into my office and sat at the desk and pulled my salad out of the bag and my mag. I looked at it and it said new love for our favorite wide receiver? Who knows maybe. And then it went into detail on me and where I come from and the school I went to and my job and how old I was and I was shocked. 

I walked into the lunch room and put the magazine infront of Julian and he groaned. 

In the magazine there was also pictures of him and I coming out of my house in the morning. 

"Are you serious?" I said to no one in particular. 

"This is going to ruin my chances at being taken seriously." I said jabbing my finger at the magazine. 

I walked away. I was insanely angry. I grabbed my yoga shorts out of my bag and went to the bathroom and put them on. I threw my jeans on my chair and I ran out to the stadium and started running the stairs. I needed to work off my anger. 

I wasn't mad at Julian. It's not his fault. I'm just mad so mad at the stupids Paps. I tripped and landed on my hands and knees on the stairs. 

I sat down and looked at my knees. I cut one of them. Enough for a good amount of blood to be dripping out. I just scratched the others and my hands. Theres a scratchy paint on the stairs for traction and I completley tore up the skin on my right knee. I limped down the stairs and into the trainers medical room. I grabbed peroxcide a big bandage some gauze and I sat down. I poured peroxcide on it and I let out a scream and then smacked my hand over my mouth. 

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