Chapter 12. Congratulations.

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I was dumbstruck. I didn't know what to say. I mean what do you tell someone who you just told that you loved someone else and then they tell you that they love you? I mean that didn't make sense. I don't know what to tell Jules. He's my buddy. What am I suppose to tell him? Hey Jules thanks? 

What the hell does someone say in this situation?!

"Okay." I said and he just looked at me. "What else do you expect me to say Jules? I just told you that I love Jake! Why'd you have to go and drop the Love bomb on me! We were having such an amazing day! I don't know what to say to you right now! I can't have two guys loving me. I can't. I care about you Jules I do! But right now I love Jake. Hell I don't know if i'm ever not going to love Jake!" 

"Andy he's the wrong guy for you! I'm the right guy! I could love you better than he ever will! I would quit football for you!" 

"Julian! Stop. I am going to go back to the hotel. I can't do this with you. I'm sorry." I started walking away. He was smart not to follow me.. Or was he just dumb enough not to follow me..

"Andy please listen to me." He yelled out following me. Guess he's smart and dumb enough to follow me. 

"I promise if you gave me a chance, you wouldn't regret it. You would never be hurt because of me. I would never hurt you on purpose. I would do anything and everything in my power to make sure that for the rest of your life you are happy. That you're on cloud nine. That you are always taken care of." 

"Julian please.. I love you but not the way you love me. At least not right now." 

"Okay. Then I will wait for you. But until you realize you love me more than him I'm going to be fighting for you too. I won't stop." 

"I need to go and pack." I ran off. I ran all the way back to the hotel. It wasn't too far away. 

When I got to the hotel I ran to my room. I went in and sat on the bed. What the hell is wrong with me and guys? Why do all the guys I become close to claim to love me? It's annoying. Maybe I should just become a nun. 

I started to pack my stuff back into my suitcase. I grabbed some shorts and a tank top and put them on and I went to the work out room and worked out for a couple hours. I left when it was late and went to bed. We had an early flight tomorrow. When I got up I didn't even bother to shower. I just put my hair in a pony and I went with the whole All natural look with no makeup. I put on jeans and a shirt and my shoes and grabbed all of my things and left. 

I was waiting in the lobby for everyone else. 

The flight back was long and I couldn't quiet relax. As soon as we landed I went home. I got in a taxi and went home. I walked into my house and I saw Jake standing in my living room with a bouquet of flowers. I dropped my bag and ran into his arms. 

This is where I belong. Right now this is who has my heart. This is who I love. 

"I love you." I whispered into his ear and he pulled me tighter to him and I didn't want him to let go. 

I pulled back a little bit and gave him a kiss. 

I heard someone clear their throat and Jake let me go. I turned around and I saw Cole standing in the doorway in a suit with flowers. He had shaved his face and done his hair. He looked amazing. 

"I didn't mean to interrupt." He said and grabbed the door handle and then left and shut the door. I looked at Jake and then ran out the door. Cole was getting in his car. 

"Cole wait!" 

"What are you doing with him Andy? He broke up with you remember? He was rude to you! Who was there for you through all of that? Me! I thought we were getting along great together. I thought that we were starting to fall for each other! I certainly fell for you. How could I be so stupid? I brought you flowers congrats on your win. But were done hanging out. I'm sorry. I just can't be around you right now. I hope you know what you're doing Andy." He rolled his window up after throwing the perfect rainbow roses out the window. He sped off and I just watched him. 

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