Chapter Four. So about those beers.

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When we finished our morning workouts we went back into the building. I stopped the guys in the locker room. 

"After lunch, meet me in the weight room." and with that I walked into my office and took a seat at my desk and grabbed my phone. 

"Hey Andy you want to go grab something to eat?" Jake asked tapping on the door. 

"Sure why not. You wanna drive?" 

"Of course." 

So I followed him out to his Escalade. He opened the door for me and I got in and he shut it for me too. I smiled to myself what a gentleman. He got in the driver side and started the car. He drove us to this burger joint and we walked in and were seated right away. 

"What can I get you two?" the pretty waitress asked shamelessy flirting with Jake. I laughed to myself. 

"Two classic burgers fries I will take a water and she will have a pepsi." he told her handing her back the menus and I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. 

"What if I am a veggitarien and I hate pepsi?" 

"Oh crap.. Do you?" 

"No I love meat and pepsi is my favorite." 

"Seriously? Dang I'm lucky." 

We both laughed. 

"Okay, so I heard that you're a total hardass. And that you work out with the guys." 

"I do workout with them. That is very true, a hardass? I'm not so sure. What else have you heard? I know those couldn't have been the only two things." 

He grimaced and looked at the table. 

"Seriously Jake just tell me. I need to know other wise I can't earn their respect." 

"Okay okay but if I tell you, you have to promise that you didn't hear it from me. I don't need to be known for a snitch." 

"Pinky swear!" 

"They were talking about how if you really wanted to work out that all you needed to do was visit one of their beds." 

"Let me guess. Austin?" 

"Yeah.. Why was he doing more earlier?" 

"Yep. I don't care anymore. I just need to be the best trainer I can be." 

The waitress came back and handed us our food and drinks. We ate and talked and even bonded. Jake is definatley cute. And tall and sweet charming and hes a gentleman. He's basically perfect. And I cannot fall for him because I work for the same team he's on. UGH! 

He paid for lunch and we went back to the stadium with 10 minuets to spare. I checked my teeth in the bathroom and reapplied my deoderant and went to the weight room to wait for my group of guys. I told the other trainers my guys needed to work on their weights for a couple hours. So I got one of the weight rooms. 

They filed in one by one. When they were all standing around me I smiled. 

"Okay. So I guess for some of the guys on this team, taking a female seriously is never going to happen. That's fine. You don't have to care about what I say. You don't have to talk to me. But what you do have to do is respect me. All that I ask is that you show me the respect when you're around me. I don't care what you say about me as long as you are off the clock. As football players you are expected to be role models. If a group of kids came in and heard you talking about a female the way I have heard not by just one but several of these guys would you be okay with that? Would you be proud? I hope not. So while you guys are around me, act like theres an impressionable kid right next to you. Every time you have the urge to say something sexist bite your tounge till you are not around me. And not in this building. Now get to work." 

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