Am I dreaming??

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Hi! Please will be nice to me because its my first fanfic and my first story on wattpad :) Enjoy! <3


July, 2011

So hi everybody! Let me introduce myself. My name is Kristin and I'm 15 year old, absolutely common girl. I'm from Slovakia. Slovakia is a small country in central Europe.

But right now, I'm sitting on reception at uncle's hotel in Leeds (UK). I have come 2 hours ago but I love this place already. I'm so glad my uncle has invited me here to spend whole my whole holiday with him at this beautiful hotel. After my coming I went to unpack my stuff and then I went  on reception with my favourite book.

I was just reading 3rd chapter when I hear that someone opened the door.

"Oh that's not true and you know it Harry!" said first boy who came in. I didn't look up from book because it was very interesting part. According to his voice I think he is between 17 and 20 years old and he is from UK because of his strong British accent.

"I'm sexy and I'm know it!" suddenly the other boy started to sing. That voice was so familiar to me but it can't come to my mind where I know that voice from.

"Oh Louis how can you sing anymore? We just finished a sold-out concert!"

What? Concert? What are they talking about? And then I looked on the the potential guests of uncle's hotel. I was very surprised when I find out who were these boys. I have been loving these boys for 2 years! I have been fangirling every time when I hear their song in radio or when I find out a brand new infos about 'em or about their lives.

"Oh My God..." I murmured for myself. In front of me were standing ONE DIRECTION!!! Am I dreaming??

"Hi. We should have a reservation for an apartment on the name of Liam Payne." said Liam while I was staring at 'em.

"Yeah of course. Here's your key and could you sign here please?" said my uncle Peter and gave him the key.

"Thanks." said Liam

"And where we could find our apartment?" said Zayn, my obsession, my love, simply my favourite from 1D. His eyes were sooo beautiful and deep... While I was loosing in his eyes, suddenly everyone's looking at me.

"Čo je?" [What?]

{A/N Because Kristin and her uncle - exactly like me - are from Slovakia so sometimes they are talking in Slovak language. I will give you a translation in [ ]. If it's a problem, just send me a message}

"Povedal som, že im pôjdeš ukázať ich izbu. Choď." said my uncle. [I said, that you'll show 'em their apartment. Go.]

Oh God. He saw me staring at him. Stupid me. Great, now I'm red like a red pepper.

"Okay. So c'mon," I said and went to elevator. "Follow me guys."

When all boys were in lift, I pushed 5th floor and lift started to move.

"So, what's your name?" Harry broke the silence with light smile on his face. Oh my Zaynster, I love these dimples. And then I realized that I'm in lift with One Directionand they are talking to me. Wait, Harry just asked me something... Oh what did he ask me? I think he asked me on my name.

"Kristína. In english it's Kristin." I heard myself. OH MY GOD!!! I'm talking to One Direction! Kill me now! Just breath Kristin. Inhale... Exhale... Soryy, fangirl moment.

"Beautiful name. It's really unusual. Where are you from because I have never heard your name here before." said Niall. That beautiful irish accent I will remember forever.

"Thanks. I'm from Slovakia and there's my name very common."

"Slovakia is in central Europe." I added when I saw their faces. 

"Uhm... So I just learned one new country! Yeah!" said Louis and I bursted into laugh. Everyone stared at me with weird glances.

"Oh sorry. I'm really weird sometimes." I said between laugh. The lift finally stops at 5th floor so we came out on hallway.

"Guys! This way." I sais when the boys went the wrong direction. Direction heh. When we came to their apartment, Liam tossed me the key.

"Thanks." I said and opened the door. The room was pretty big and nicely furnished. The boys started to run in diferent rooms.

"This room is ours!!" I heard yelling Louis and Harry from the biggest room.

"This one is mine!" Zayn yelled from different room.

"And the last one is probably ours." said Liam and go to the last room.

"I'm hungry." said Niall and follow Liam to their room.

So I think I should go.

"I'm leaving guys! Dinner is from 5 to 8pm." I yelled at the boys and closed the door.

"OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!" I started shouting and dancing like crazy. Then I realized that everyone can hear me or see me. Maybe I should stop acting like crazy. Okay I really need to call my two bestfriends also Directioners.


So what do you think?? Shoul I continue this? Let me know what do you think :) Vomment ( vote + comment :D) XoXoXo

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