On three run to boys room OK? One.... Two.... THREEEEEE!!!!

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Hey guys :) I dedicate this chapter to purple_Directioner bcs her comment made me smile whole day :) THANK YOU!


"Oh my Zaynster! Girls!! How did you get here? Do you have some super skills for transposition??" I said very surprised when the girls and Louis stopped screaming like crazy. I really don't know why was Louis screaming.

"Oh no. We just quickly packed our stuff and take the earliest plane. We have some contacts." said Cheryl and winked on Courtney.

"Yeah contacts..." said Courtney, who was staring at Harry with her mouth opened. I went forward to her and closed her mouth.

"The flies will fly to your mouth so better have it closed. By the way this is Courtney and Cheryl. My two best friends." I said with big grin on my face. The guys wawed to girls but they rested frozen. I can't believe that they're. I can't believe that One Direction are here. And also the girls but ONE DIRECTION are here. I still can't believe it.  Is that like a dream but I don't know when I went to sleep.

"So you didn't lie... They're really here. And they're alive... Oh God... I think I'm gonna faint....." said Cheryl and then she fell down to the floor.

"Oh my God Cheryl!!! Are you okay???" I said and I kneed to her. I looked at Louis when I heard that he started to laugh. I gave him a Are-You-Normal glare and Help-Her-To-Get-Up-You-Idiot glare. Maybe that he didn't get that last one glare so I said.

"Help her to get up you idiot!" I translate my glare so I hope that he hopefully understood that.

"Oh sorry. Heh. Yeah of course." said Louis and helped Cheryl to get up.

"So I think you know who we are." said Harry when we helped Cher to sit on sofa and we settled down next to her.

"Heh. Of course we know you guys! We are like fans number one! I know that every fan is saying this but we fangirl every time we hear your song, every time when someone says your name or some random thing which is connected to you." said Cheryl while she was chafing her head.

"Yeah for example last time we had Slovak language (in school) , we read some text and the hero of the story named Harry. Of course that we started screaming "Harry, Harry!!" and laughing like crazy". I said and winked at the girls with big grin on my face.

"Yeah, and we don't eat with spoons." said Courtney and I started to laugh when I remember how we eat soup- with fork of course. It's really funny to watch us when we eat soup.

"You're weird." said Lou and all of us girls poked him as hard as we can.

"Auch....!" said Loui and acted like injured.

"Okay lads, I think we gotta go. We need to get some sleep before rehearsal" said Liam and the boys started to getting up from sofa and were going to leave.

"Uhm... guys... I'm... I want to ask you something..." I said and blushing like crazy.

"Yeah, whatever beautiful." said Zayn and winked at me. Oh my fucking carrot!!! He called me beautiful! I feel that my knees are very weak... Ohhhh..... He's soooo hot. Stop Kristin! Just breath.

"Uhm... Can we hug you?" I said and the girls nodded.

"Group huuuuuug!!!" yelled Lou and ran towards us. When we were in Louis' hug, the other boys joined us. Omg I'm hugging with One Direction!!! My dream came true!!! Okay sorry. Another fangirl moment. When we stopped hugging each other, Court said:

"Okay... So bye-bye. See you soon guys." Court? You really want to them leaved? What's wrong with you Court? Maybe it's from shock that she saw 'em.

"And girls, by the way, after conversation with boys, we decided that... Do you want to go with us to our rehearsal tomorrow?" said said Liam and the other boys had a Yeah-Come-With-Us glare.

"Yeah buddie!" I said and we- me, Courtney and Cheryl- started to laugh.

"Hey! That's my phrase!" said Niall but started to laugh too.

When the boys were in their own room, Courtney suddenly pulled out from bag a really fearful horror. The Ring.... 

"You can't mean it serious!! You know I'm such scared-cat!" I said and I'm really afraid that we're going to watch this because you can't argue with Court......

--2 and and a half hour later--

"Hey Court... Court... COURTNEY!!!!"

"Yeah?? Vas Happenin'?" said Courtney with sleepiness in her voice.

"Court... I can't sleep. I told you that I can't sleep after horr..... Wait..... What was that?? Court I'm scared!!!"

"Girls?? Did you hear that? What was that??? Courtney?? I'm so scared!" said Cheryl and came to Courtney's bed where now were all of us.

"Girls. Calm down. That was just...hmmm... just wind... maybeee..." said Courtney who is the fearless one.

"Courtney now I'm really scared!" I said almost crying.

"I think I hear something. Oh my God I hear some steps!!!!" said Cheryl and I started to cry.

"Oh I want my mum!!" I said. OMG I'm like little kid.

"Oh Kriss, shhhh, it's gonna be fine... Wait.... I heard that steps too.... Omg I'm scared too.... On three run to boys room OK? One.... Two.... THREEEEEE!!!!!" yelled Courtney and we started to run like Usain Bolt (the fastest man in the world by the way :D). When we were in front of door of boys' room we started knocking like crazy.

"Oh okay I'm here. Stop knocking please..." said Harry when he opened the door but we rushed in their room and we blowed Harry down to floor.

"C'mon! Quickly close the door!!" yelled Cheryl to Courtney and she very quickly closed the door.

"Hey guys. Help me." said Harry and we helped him to get up.

"Heeey. Vas Happenin'?" said Zayn who came in to living room at that moment. And then I noticed that all of the boys were here. All of them only in their pants from pyjama. Uuu... So hot.... Their six packs... oh. I have no words for describe that.

"We watched The Ring and then we can't sleep. And suddenly we heard some noise and steps from hallway and we're scared like a hell." said Court and showed at me. Then I realized that I was still crying. Then I felt strong arms wrapped around me and very calmy voice.

"Shhh. It's gonna be fine. That was just some wind. Girls, you can sleep here tonight." said Zayn while he was caressing me. I was in heaven but still very scared too.

"Thanks." I said very happy that I don't kave to go back to that eerie room.

"Kriss you can sleep in my room with me. I have that big bed all for myself." said Zayn and I quickly nodded. I'm going to sleep in the same bed like Zayn! Heh be jealous of me.

"Yeah and Courtney can sleep with me in my bed. Louis I don't care where you're going to sleep but not in our room."said Harry and winked at Courtney. It will be something between them.

"Cheryl can sleep in our bed with Nial and I'm going to sleep on the couch." said Liam but Louis quickly protested:

"No! I want to sleep in the same bed like Cheryl!!" When Louis said this Cheryl startet to blush like a red pepper. Hehehe. Naughy Louis.

"Okay so I don't care how and where are you going to sleep. Me and Kriss are going to sleep in our room." said Zayn and went to his or ours room. I do OMG-I-CAN'T-BELIEVE glare at girls and went to Zayn's room. I saw Zayn is laying on the bed so I quietly lie down next to him. When I was next to him he moved more closely to me and wrapped his hans around. I don't know how but I quickly felt asleep.

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