Chapter ·3· The Hurt

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°Kaila in the Media☝💎

(Kaila's POV)👶 =After School=🏫

Just getting home from being over Justin's house, I unlock the front door and step inside. Upon closing it behind me, I hear my big sister's voice starlte me once I did so.

"Where have you been...for like two days?" she asked.

"I stayed over my friend's house and just went to school from there" I lie.

"Mhm, you never tell me or Jay Jay where you be at now a days. What's up with that?"

"Do I really need to, Adri? You're my sister and he's my brother, not my parents" I clarify

"Fine. Excuse me for looking out for you" she gets up from the couch and heads upstairs.

But in doing so she looked at me again....and then stopped. Followed by her now approaching me and turning my head with her hands. Fuck😨

"So...a passion mark and *moves my hair back* a bruise on the side of your face in the shape of a fist--Who the fuck is hitting you?" ...fuck again.

"No body" I chuckle in denial, hoping she'll just leave me alone.

"Kaila, don't play games"

"I'm not Adriana, so stop touching me *pushes her hands off* and just leave me alone" I storm up the steps.

Going straight to my room, I lock and close the door behind me, falling down to cover my face in my arms. Tears and tears poured from out my eyes, knowing that I was lying to my own flesh and blood like that.....all because I was afraid of confrontation.

Truth is....I was being abused someone. A boy I call my boyfriend, Justin.

 A boy I call my boyfriend, Justin

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But...I love him and I know he doesn't hit me for the fun of it. I make him mad so that's my punishment right?. I know a man should never hit a woman but....who I am to really stop him? I can't. I'm defenseless against him and I'm embarrassed and scared of the outcome of me telling on him.

It would only get worse for me....and put an even bigger target on my back😔🙇.

(Adriana's POV)💖
*phone rings*📞

I look down and grab my phone from the cushion to answer Liam's call.

"Hey babe" I fold my legs Indian style on the couch.

"Aye. What chu' doin? Since someone ain't wanna text me back"

"I'm sorry, I just *sighs* had to talk with my sister about something and I must've forgot"

" everything ok?"

"I don't know Li, she won't tell me. But what I do know is that I need to get out of this depressing-ass house"

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