Chapter ·16· Big Brother

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°JayJay in the Media☝📷

(JayJay's POV)🔥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So your pregnant huh? By that bitch-ass coward" I ask.

"I'm sorry, but it's not like I planned this" Kaila pleaded.

"And that's what's wrong. You know about the birds and the bees Kaila, what are you possibly gonna do for a baby at 16?"

"I'm a take care of it the best I can. Its my responsibility okay and I know that. And since you have a kid now too, I hope you'll help me out..."

I look at Adri, seeing her just as speechless and confused as I am. As much as I wanted to go kill that mofo, I just couldn't do that to my future niece or nephew. No kid should ever have to grow up without a dad, and  I'm sadly one of em that did. It's just a shame that my little sister is making bad choices in her life at such a young age.

"Ya boyfriend right, do he go to your school?" I ask her.

"No...he's out..."

"And how old is he?"

She looks away. "He's 24..." ...oh hell nah.

"24!? Are you serious? That motherfucker older than me" I snap.

"Your dating a 24 year old Kaila? Your 16 boo not 20" Adri says.

"I know okay! But I though dating someone older would appreciate me better for what I am! But now he hits me and......makes me cry. And I'm afraid of him now. I didn't tell you guys because I was afraid of what could happen. I don't wanna loose another family member.....including myself. I know it's irresponsible that I'm pregnant but it's my own fault and I have to do what I gotta do. But I'm scared ok, I don't wanna see him anymore. I haven't even told him that I was pregnant yet"

"You don't have to be afraid of him anymore okay. I'm handle it, without killing him. I promise. I'm your brother kai, and I love you so I don't wanna see you hurt like this. I hope this teaches you something in the long run though. Now go wash up and get some rest, I got it from here" I kiss her forehead before grabbing my keys.

I look back at them, watching Kaila go upstair like I told her and Adriana going to go sit back down on the couch.

"Watch her okay and check on her. I'll be home maybe tomorrow, call me if there is a problem aight"

"Aight. Be careful please"

"I will..."

=5:45 pm=🕡✨

Getting the address from Kaila, I pull up to a corner house a few blocks away. Getting out of my car, I put my gun in my pants and make my way up to the front door to ring the bell.

About a good few seconds later, Kai's boyfriend opens the door, looking quite shock to see me instead of her.

"Can I help you?" he folded his arms.

"You Justin?"

"Who's asking?"

"Me motherfucker!" I yell, pointing my gun to his head.

"Y-yeah I'm Justin" he stutters, holding up his hands slowly.

"Get the fuck in the house"

Following him inside, I close the door behind us before hitting him in the head with the gun. He falls to his knees and holds the back of his head in pain.

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