Bright Side• XIIV

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We arrived at a club called Metro. There was cars parked everywhere down the street.

"Surprise!" Paris said as we pulled up.

I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you Paris, y'all niggas did all this for me. All of this! I'm so proud of you. Thank you so much." I said.

"I just love seeing you happy. No need to thank me." he replied. We got out and walked in.

Everyone lined up at the door waiting on me to enter. They yelled surprise, scaring the hell out of me.

Kennedi, Khalil and De came and hugged me.

"Happy birthday Auz!" Kennedi squealed.

"Happy Cake Day Wiz! I told you I was limping to this party. TURN UP!" Khalil shouted over the music.

"Happy Birthday Auzlyn. Yo ol' crater head ass better be glad you squad because I had to use my cooking skills. I did it for you tough." De said. I awed. He was always acting so tough but showed a soft side.

"Thank y'all. Y'all family. I fucks with y'all until death." I said with a tear excepting my eyes.

"Being yo crybaby ass here." Paris pulled me into a hug. "Come on." he said. I followed him to the dance floor.

We danced together all night. People came and told me happy birthday. We took some shot.

De baked me a bomb ass personal cake, Red Velvet of course! They ordered a huge ass 3 tiered cake. It was Pink and Blue that read Happy Birthday Wiz. I knew Khalil ordered it like that -_- .

Kennedi set up a foam machine and everything got crazy. People stripping to play in the foam. Me and Kennedi were first to dive in. That's the best part of having a down ass best friend.

"Come in!" I whined!

"Yeah, y'all too pretty for foam?" Kennedi teased the boys.

"Shit I'm in!" De said stripping down and sliding into a pit of foam.

"I am too pretty for this but I guess I'll come." Khalil joked, he joined us.

"Puffy!" I screamed.

"Alright!" He stripped an joined me in the foam.

Everyone was wet and covered in it. We were like kids in a play house. Bubbles floated around us as me danced in foam. People sprayed water guns all around.

"See! I told you It'll be fun." I sassed.

"Whatever. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."

"I am" I smiled.

To think, 8 months ago when I got here I was miserable. Only had myself. I let my past get in the way of my happiness. I settled all my troubles in my past. I rekindled my relationship with my father, forgave my mother and left my New Orleans life in the past. I stopped letting my past troubles blind me of my happiness.

I learned a lot in Atlanta. I learned that I was beautiful and worthy of love. I learned to care for others. I learned forgiveness. Best of all .......I learned love.



SO THIS IS IT YALL. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS STORY. Thanks for sticking with it trough the end. Please Check out my other books if you liked this one. If you didn't then I have different ones you might find interest in!😊

Love, Daii

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