Blind Side•V

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I woke up to The sun from my window shining into my tired eyes. I woke up still in Paris' lap laying on his chest. He was awake, still holding me. I didn't want the moment to end so I faked sleep.

"Wake yo faking ass up, I know your awake!" he laughed as he gripped my ass firmly in his hands. I lifted up and looked at him.

"You can't let me have my moment?" I said.

"You just wanted me to touch you, that's all." he replied cockily.

"You can let go now." I said, referring to his grip on my ass.

"Nah, I like were they're at. " he smirked.

I got up from his lap and went downstairs and got started cooked us breakfast. Cinnamon waffles, sausage, eggs, bacon and toast.

"I smell bacon." Paris said as he walked in.

"Of course your fat ass would smell bacon" I teased.

I gave him his plate and we ate in the kitchen.

We talked while eating our breakfast. Something sat in the back of my mind the whole time.

"What are you going to do after today....are you going back home?" I asked.He seemed uninterested in speaking on that subject.

"Going to grandmother's house... I have some money saved up for my own place. I just need to get someone to put if under their name because I'm underage. " he said.

"If you need to stay again I'll let Aunt Lorraine know. She wouldn't have a problem with it."

"Thanks Auz, don't worry about me. I'm straight."

"I'm just looking out for you. I care about you."

"I know, if it was the other way around I'de be going crazy."


Aunt Lorraine called me saying she'd be home later tonight. I wanted to get Paris' mind off of things so we went to the movies.

"That movie was mad funny!" he laughed.

"I told you! I swear I never cried laughing so much!" I said as tears from breathless laughs leaked from my eyes.

We walked out the movies and there was the same girl who came to the lunch table once before to flirt with Paris. She looked at me and then him.

"Hey Paris." She called.

He furrowed his eyebrows at her.

"Umm whassup Nicole." he said as he continued holding my hand walking away.


"Text me later, alright." she said. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Nah, I know you see my girl right here. You can text her though." he said. Good boy.

"So you don't see me standing here." I started.

"No you're irrelevant baby, I don't know you."

"Bitch I know you see me here. You know me.... his girlfriend, the one with a title. The one that matters. Yeah hoe, that's me."

"You wish bitch." Nicole said under her breath. these old news bitches still think they're current events. Nah boo.

"Nicole, I stopped talking to you 3 weeks ago so why you flexin?" He said calmly taking a sip of his drink. He waited on her answer.

"...And I thought so." he added.

He walked me to the car, leaving that bitch looking dumb. We got in and looked at me, noticing I had a stink face on.

"You mad?" he asked.

"Nah, just control your groupies. I know my role. She just forgot she was an understudy." I sassed.

"You can't say shit without making a whack ass joke.Really 'understudy' ?"He chuckled.

"Whatever. " I sassed playfully.

He leaned over and kissed me.

"You know you're the star of my show." he smiled.

"Well duhhhh."


When we got back, Aunt Lorraine was home. We sat in his truck talking before we got out.

"Paris, let me be honest with you. I can't stand to think about someone I care about Possibly getting hurt. I don't want you to leave me tonight and go home to suffer. Can you promise me you'll let my aunt help you."

He sighed and looked at me.

"I already talked to Khalil's moms. She my godmother so she letting me stay for a few days."

"You thought about getting him into rehab."

"I told you I don't want him to go to jail or nothing Auz!"

"Rehab and jail are two different places."

"I guess.... whatever I gotta do to keep my family."

That night we talked to Aunt Lorraine. Her and Paris talked and he agreed to get his pops into rehab. My aunt actually talked to his father. He was really stubborn and rude unlike Paris.

After seeing his son shed a tear he agreed to go.

Paris still went to Khalil's house. His father, Daniel said he would go to rehab straight in the morning. I guess seeing his only child suffer really hit him. I was right there holding his hand through it.

I always wanted someone to do that for me so I never hesitated to be that person for someone else.

After the intervention for Paris' father auntie and I watched TV in her room. It felt good to have a mother figure.


The house phone ringed off the hook.

"I'll get it Aunt Lo."

"Thanks baby."

I got up and rushed to the phone.


"This is the Police station of New Orlands."


"Are these the relatives of a Tanisha Elizabeth Monroe. " The person asked.

Tanisha was my mother. I wouldn't understand why the police would call. She wasn't a violent person. I wouldn't imagine why they called.

"Yes. I am her daughter."

"Well....Im sorry ma'am. Tanisha Monroe was found dead 2 days ago in a hotel bathroom from an overdose. We were unable to get in contact with immediate family members so i apologize for the delayed information. I'm sorry for your lost. "

I stood on the other end of the line in complete shock. My mother was dead.

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