Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Gabbi's POV

"Well, what do you need help with about boys?" "Well...... The guys and April think that Raph has a crush on me, and I'm not sure how to take it. I kinda believe them." "Reasons?" "The stubborn hot-head acts so.... Different around me he seems like a different person. For example, April and I called him a hot-head and he yelled from another room asking what we called him, and we told him. He came into the room, looked at April, then at me. After he looked at me, he smiled and walked away chuckling. Another example, Mikey scared me and Raph came running in, and he actually looked WORRIED. The hot-head never gets worried about anyone. Also, he's actually NICE to me. He carried me back to the lair after the whole Purple Dragon incident. He let me lean on him because I was feeling tired, and it made me feel.... Safe." "I think it's YOU that has a crush on HIM, Gabs." I went it over in my head. 'Could I really have a crush on him?'

"Mom, you know I'm stubborn when it comes to boys!" I whined as she tried to put makeup on me. "Stay still!" "But Mom! He isn't one of those boys that falls for looks like Tristan!" I said, but she just kept trying to put eyeshadow on me. I groaned and gave up. She finished and walked out. I shut and locked the door. "Makeup remover....... Makeup remover...." I searched through cabinets until I found it. I took off the makeup and snuck out the window.

I ran to April's apartment and she was standing outside. I smiled and waved. She waved back and I went up to her. I sat on the top of the metal stairs and swung myself upside down. "Hey O'Neil, I need some advice." "What you need, Gab?" "You know how you and the guys think Raph has a crush on me?" She nodded. "I asked my mom and she said that it might be ME that has a crush on HIM, and I don't know what to think." "Well. I really don't know what else to say but, time may kill you, but the best come to the ones who wait."

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