CH 7: Another Broken Promise

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-Jaein's POV-

The rest of the day went by fast with Got7 practicing all day for their comeback. It's 5 p.m now and suddenly i got a text from Chanyeol. 

"Text me when you are done with work, i'll be waiting in our usual park"

I smile upon seeing his message. But half of my heart hesitate to go. I'm afraid on being left hanging again because i know i will surely hate him then.

But the half rest of my hearts tells me to go there and meet him. It's my first day of work and he is the right person to share the joy with. Every first time i experience something new, i would tell all about it to chanyeol in the end of the day, and he would give me a hug as a way to end the beautiful day.

So i decided to go.
"I'll be done at 6.15, see you there"

5 minutes more until my first day is over. The manager gathered all of us in the centre of the practice room.

"Great job today guys!" He clap his hand. "Now you can go back to your dorm and take a rest. And Jaein ah, keep up the good work."

"Ne, kamsahabnida" then everyone started to fix their stuff to leave.

"Noona, do you have plans after this?" Jackson ask.

"Ah yes, i have to go meet my friend"

"Awww to bad, we were hoping to go eat dinner together so we could get to know each other" bambam pouted.

"Aww mianhaeyo guys. Maybe some other time" i tried to cheer them up.

"Can we at least exchange phone numbers? So we could contact you easily" JB stated.


After exchanging phone numbers, they went back to their dorm and i went to the park to meet chanyeol.

It's already 7 p.m and he haven't showed up yet. I was getting nervous on knowing that he might left me hanging again.

I decided to wait for 30 more minutes. But i gave up after sneezing for 3 times in a row.

I stand up from the bench and started to walk home. Then i receive a phone call and it turns out to be chanyeol.

I hesitate to answer because i was very dissapointed in him. I decided not to pick it up.

He left 16 missed calls and 10 text and i didn't bother to open them. After arriving home, i stomp my way towards my room. While i was reaching for the stairs my mom said that chanyeol is on the phone and ask to talk to me. But i didn't answer and just ignores it.

I slam my door close and throw my stuff on my bed. I sat down near the door and try to hear my mom conversation downstair with chanyeol on the phone.

"It was her who slams the door chanyeol ah"
"Ah geurae?"
"I'll explain it to her, don't worry"
"Ne, goodluck to you chanyeol ah"

That was the last sentence i heard from my mom through my room door.

Then i heard a knock.
"I know you're eardrooping jaein ah"


"Chanyeol have some explanation for you"


"He say he needs to leave for the airport earlier than expected. He already send you details through text message. He beggs you to open it."

Airport? I thought. Then i went to my desk to see the calender. Tomorrow is EXORDIUM in Hiroshima. How did i forgot?

We would always spend time together before he went overseas for concerts.

I went to my bed and pick up my phone. I opens the texts that sent by chanyeol.

"Jaein ah i'm really sorry"
"Jaein ah please pick up my calls"
"Jaein please hear me out"
"I was suppose to leave tonight at midnight after meeting you but suddenly we need to leave earlier because we need to stop by the company and take care of some stuff"
"I was busy packing i forgot about our promise"
"Jaein ah i'm sorry, please forgive me"
"Jaein ah please pick up"
"Jaein ah i'm already in the airport"
"I promise to make it up to you when i get back"
"Jaein ah please at least call me back before i leave"

I didn't have the heart to let him leave Korea without saying anything to him. I decided to call him. After 3 beeps he picks it up.

"Jaein ah thankyou so much for calling me"

"What do you want" i say coldly.

"Look i'm really sorry about earlier. Our flight was supposed to be on midnight but we need to take care some stuff at the company and need to leave earlier than expected" he explain in a rush. "Jaein are you still there?"


"I promise to make it up to you when the concerts is over"

"Stop making promises that you can't keep Chanyeol ah, you'll just hurt me again"

"Jaein ah..."

"Look chanyeol, it's late, i need to sleep and you better get ready for your flight" i cut him off. "Let's discuss this later when you finally have time to talk"

"Jaein wait"

"Goodluck on your concerts chanyeol, tell the guys to do a great job there. Oh and have a safe flight"

With that i hang up. I open EXO's official website to check on their tour dates. They will be in Hiroshima for 2 days and be back at 15 of September and will leave again on 29. I let out a big sigh. He have so much to do according to his schedule, when will i meet him?

Then i receive a message from sehun.
"Don't miss me noona, i'll be back" i laugh a little upon seeing the message.

"See you soon maknae! Goodluck" i texted back.

With that i drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 8 coming right after this:)

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