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Erza POV

I was with Lucy and Wendy as we walked through the forest after losing Mira.

" I can't believe she was taken so suddenly," Lucy said

" I know it just makes me wonder who is next everyone besides Jellal are all Fairy Tail members," I said

" True," Lucy said

" But I am so teasing Yukino," Lucy snickered

" But what about you and Natsu I know your in love with him," I said

She blushed

She then a Twig cracked

We all immediately got into our fighting stance.

Then emerged Romeo

" Wendy get behind me now," I ordered
I got my sword out and was gonna fight him until he came.

" J-Jellal," I stuttered blushing slightly

" Erza I have been looking for you," He said chuckling

Then I remembered our predicament and I grabbed the girls and ran.

" Erza," Lucy yelled

" There is no way in hell I am going to fight him one because I have been in love with him since child hood and two well I want to see how long they can catch up besides if those two are here that means Natsu is near and those no way O can beat him in these circumstances," I said

Then all of sudden Jellal shot passes us and Romeo used his purple flame to latch on to Wendy causing her to trip while he takes her away.

Jellal who got in front locked eyes with me and shot right towards me," KYAH," I screamed as he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up bridle style using his magic she took us Mavis where the last thing I heard was," ERZAAAA," the sound of Lucy's voice echoing in my ears.

We arrived at a small cabin and inside was filled with Scarlet red and Blue.

Jellal pinned me to the floor so I couldn't move.

" Erza you have no idea how long I wanted to do this," Jellal whispered in my ear then licking  the shell of my ear.


I shivered from the pleasure I let out a tint moan as he said that.
" You don't know how long I thought of you, loved you, yearned for you, Dreamt of you," he said whispering the last part as he kissed my cheek and caressed my face.

He then slowly came down and his face was a millimeter from mine and he kissed me.

I was shocked at first that I did not move then I kissed back. He licked my lips and I kept it closed until he squeezed my bum causing me to gasp and slip his tongue into my mouth.

His tongue along mine tastes so heavenly that my mind was all hazy.

We fought for dominance and he won later on.

He then let my lips go and stared at me," Now Erza how about we continue this in the bedroom," He said eyes filled with list and want

I blushed deeply

He then picked me up and walked towards the bedroom.

I woke up to Jellal sleeping silently beside me.

I smiled at stroked his hair with my hand.
I then untangled my legs and got up to go to the bathroom I was wobbling heavily I could barely stand.

" Erza what are you doing," I turned to see Jellal staring at me.

I blushed and looked away quickly.

" To the bathroom to take a shower," I said quickly

I then felt to strong arms around me keeping me steady.

" Well then why don't I join you then," He said kissing the side of my face

I blushed harder

This man will be the death of me

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