Yukino's Love

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Yukino POV

I was with the girls in the water having fun. I then noticed that they were staring to leave. I then started to get out to when I felt a presence behind me then all of a sudden Lucy yelled
Before I could react I was being picked up bridal style.
I looked up and saw Sting he had piercing blue eyes with white speck in them and had white marks on him. His eyes looked filled with love, want and, ..... lust. I looked down to him where he was staring I then remembers I was still naked.

" You just love teasing me don't you," Sting whispered in my ear huskily making me blush.

All of a sudden Sting was flying back and I was being pulled by Juvia out of the water.

She then started to make a barrier so I could get dressed. once I was done she made tsunami I'm the lake and we both ran into the woods.

" Thanks Juvia," I said

" No problem," she smiled

" This is kind of fun in a scary way," I said

" You think," She said

" Yeah but what sucks is that I don't know how to tell Sting that I love him and that I actually want mate with him." I said making myself blush

She looked like she was going to respond but was caught off by a voice.

" You know you just did," a voice said that made me have shivers down my spine only one person can do that and it was Sting.

Then suddenly arms were carrying me bridal style and then we were suddenly in a whole new scene in a blink of an eye.

It was a little cabin with white furniture and white rugs. It had a decent sized kitchen and looked like one bedroom and two bathrooms. In the living room it had a Tv lacrima and other thing to give it a cozy feel.

I was suddenly pushed up against the wall.

" You know Yukino what you said back there make me really happy," Sting smirked

" I- I don't know what you are talking about," I said stuttering

" Oh really then I guess I will make you remember," he said licking the shell of my ear.


He then started to kiss my lips gently then he started to get more rough and more passionate.

I was shocked at first but then I started to kiss back and put my hand in his hair pulling him closer to me.  He licked my lips asking for entrance which I denied because imI wanted to tease him.

He growled and picked me up by my bum and squeezed making me gasp

He took the opportunity to slip is tongue in exploring my mouth eagerly. I didn't bother to fight for dominance because I wanted this just as much as he did.  He then unlatched from my mouth and started to travel down towards my neck kissing it until he found a spot that made me moan. I felt him smirk against my skin.

Then I felt a fangs

This is going to HURT

I then felt pain in my neck but it quickly subsided and turned to pleasure. I started to moan and Sting began to lick it.

Then he latched himself back onto my lips and started to walk to the what I think was bedroom. He opened it and walked towards the bed. He gently tossed me down and climbed on top of me.

" You better prepare yourself Yukino because once I'm done with you you won't be able to walk straight for a week lat alone walk tomorrow." He said seductively as he nibbled my ear as he began to unhook my cloak and....

It over you may proceed

I woke up to the sun hitting my face and warmth. I looked up and saw Sting sleeping peacefully and his arm wrapped around me.

I remember  last nights event and began to blush and try to wiggle my way out of his grip so I can take a shower.

Put once I moved he pulled me closer mailing his grip tighter. I somehow mages to escape but once I put my foot on the ground to try and stand I immediately went down.

I couldn't stand

He was not kidding

I made my way to the dresser that was there for some reason I opened it and there was clothes in there and some undergarments I grabbed those and a loose shirts that was big for me. I mean hello it's early and it very comfy instead of wearing some fitted clothes. I started to crawl my way to the bathroom when I heard a voice, " Now hat are you doing Yukino." I turned at looked at Sting amusement on his face. I puffed out my cheeks," Well I WNAT to take a shower but I can't since someone made sure I could not walk so I resorted to crawling," I finished

He then got up from the bed and came to me and picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bathroom. " Since my fault I will help you," He said

" By the way Yukino you know I love you right," he said stopping

I looked at him and said," I know I love you too."

He grinned at kissed my head and helped me get cleaned up.

Once I was cleaned I noticed in the mirror the was a design of a white S on my neck. I touched it and smiled.
" You like it," Sting said
" No I love it," I smiled
" I'm glad," he said pecking my cheek as he carries me to the bed. We layed there all day cuddling and watching tv in the tv lacrima apparently Sting had an entire broadcast of each male so we just observed them the whole time.

" You really watched them," I asked

" Yeah we all decided that once we get our mate we could observe the rest of our progress." Sting answered

" heh that pretty convient and also awesome," I said

But something caught my eye I saw in the broadcast was Mira and Kianna and the persons broadcast was.........

Cobra's ," Heh I guess we found out who is next next," I said

" No wait look," Sting said

I looked back and saw Kagura and Levy with the broad cast of......

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