I can hear you

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Before I want you to know that I decided after this book I will do something similar to this but instead It's wait for it SLAYER MATKNG SEASON that is right all the slayers plus extra ships don't worry Rowen will happen I shipped Cherie with someone from a guild that is not Lamoa scale.

Kianna POV

I was helping Mira regain her composure as we stumbled on something that made my cheeks warm.


I sweat dropped

The we all hear a few screams, " Well it sounds like the twin dragons got their mates," she smirked evilly.

" So Kianna are you happy that a certain poison Dragon slayer has chose you," She said coming in closer smirking

I blushed heavily

" W-What about you and Laxus," I said back at her and got the reaction of her cheeks turning pink.

She huffed and puffed out her cheeks looking away.

" Anyway I think it is best that we meet up with the others I think I heard Kagura scream over there," I said pointing east

" Okay," she said walking

" Anyways speaking of shopping earlier I really want Nalu and Gruvia," I blurted out

Her eyes sparkled

" Right I mean hello they already touched the girls breasts," she chuckled

" Eh really?!?"I asked surprised

" Yup," she said

" You know all the groups so far had someone caught except us and Erza group which is surprising because most of the powerful mates are over there," I said

" True but then again we have to worry about Laxus and a former Oracion sies member who can read thoughts," She pointed out

" Good point to be honest I thought I would be taken first considering Eric can hear thoughts and pin point my direction," I said

" Ehh did you want to I didn't know you were so eager Kianna," she said chuckling

I waved my hands while blushing," I-Its not like that," I said

Suddenly I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist.

" I can hear it your lying," I heard a  voice that sounded oh so familiar to me as they breathed into my ear.

I froze in place knowing exactly who it was," Mira," I whined

She looked at me and stared then grinned evilly," Oh good luck Kiana there is no way I am going to interfere with this ship. Have fun," she said as she walked away

I looked at her walk away with my jaw open," EHHHHHHHH MIRA WHAT THE HELL I SWEAR LAXUS FINDS YOU AMD MAKES SURE YOU WONT BE ABLE TO MOVE," I yelled at her

" You should worry about yourself I can hear it you wanted this," He said while kissing my neck.

Then he carried me bridle style and then all I saw was black.

I woke up and realized we were standing in front of a cabin similar too Stings. He walked inside and It was purple and red everywhere.( You know the drill)

Then we were walking towards the what I assumed bedroom and he threw me on the bed gently.

He got on top of me and looked at me pinning me to the bed.

" I can hear it your arousal and the dreams you have," He said while kissing me gently then turned to more passion.

Warning Slight Nosebleed ahead

He started to kiss me with so much passion that I couldn't handle and I kissed back with equal amounts. He started to lick my bottom asking for entrance I opened immediately.

He dived his warm tongue into my mouth exploring every inch. I moaned in delight. He then let go so we could both breathe. But he immediately went to my neck and started to kiss down it trying to find the one spot.

He nipped and bit and I moaned everytime It was a secrets but I kinda of had a thing for biting.

He smirked against my skin as I thought it

Shoot I forgot he can read thoughts
He looked at me," Heh I'm glad to know about it," he said as he began to take my top off.

He then went back to my neck and found where he wanted to mark me right above my collarbone he then bit down and I moaned in both pain and pleasure.

He then went back to my lips and kissed me as I struggled with his shirt finally getting it off he began to.....

Finished you may proceed

I woke up in a strange room as I finally remembers last night's events I blushed deeply.
I began to attempt to get up but I couldn't move I realized that I felt something more like someone restricting my movement. I smiled
I guess I could go back to sleep after all I have 5 days till this over. I then went back to sleep sighing happily.

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