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Mira POV

I walked happily into the forest attempting to find the others.

I am so happy Stingyu, ROGURA, and Kibra are confirmed so far only a few ships left but none of the main ones have occurred.

I thought. Suddenly I heard rustling I immediately got into Satan soul preparing myself. Then walked out was ........ Lucy and the others.

I sighed in relief

" Oh thank god I thought I would have to fend Laxus off myself," I said

" Oh Mira you here I am glad you are alright. Where is Kianna?" Erza asked

" Oh Cobra got her she is becoming a woman and I hears screams so I assume The twins dragons accomplished their goals too," I said

" Oh Yukino," Lucy said

" Anyway what are you guys doing," I asked

" We were looking for the others and by my count there is only us and Juvia and Levy left so I think we should go find them," Ezra said

" Okay well before Kianna left she said she heard Kagura scream in the East direction so I think we should go there first," I said

" Sounds Great," Wendy said

Suddenly it started to rain

" Oh no do you think something happened to Juvia." Wendy said

" Maybe it was clear before so I think something happened that or someone is on to her so she decided to pour rain to weaken her scent," Erza said

" Smart," Wendy said

" Okay well I guess we should start mo-," I was cut off by a sound of lightning

" Uh oh this can not be good either that is Laxus or Juvia suddenly knows how to add Lightning to her rain," I said

" Lets go Laxus is close depending where the Lightning started." Erza said as we started to follow her.

Then Lightning started to get louder and closer to us.

We began to run

Then suddenly there was lightning that flashed in front of us and their stood a S- class lightning dragon slayer..... Laxus.

We all stopped

" Mira I found you," He said smirking

" Hey Laxus," I did trying to stay composed but on the inside I was freaking out.

Then suddenly he was gone and he appeared behind me.

Before I could react I was taken.

" MIRRRAAA," was that last think I heard Erza yell

As Laxus had me slung over his shoulder he said something that made me gulp.

" Mira I heard Kianna earlier while she yelled and what she said got me thinking maybe I should make it so you won't be able to move." He said I could hear him smirking

I had blue lines on my face

We suddenly appeared at a cabin and as he walked inside with me still slung over his shoulder and he sat me down I saw a lightning colored yellows and designs everywhere.

I was suddenly pinned to the wall I saw a smirking Laxus in front of me as he looked down at me.

Then he kissed me it was so electrifyingy body felt as if sparks were going through them. I kissed him back. He then began to lick my bottom lip which I complied.

He slid his tongue in my mouth as we both fought for dominance. He won of course but I wanted to at least try. He let go and went to my neck.

WARNING You know the drill

He began to kiss down my neck and hit a spot that made me moan. It was right under my ear he smirked at began to suck on it the he bit down.

I felt sparks all around me he then picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

He walked toward the bedroom and he pinned me down. He then started to take off my dress.

He then made marks everywhere that he could see with my undergarments still on.

I started tried to take off his shirt and when I did I swear I almost moaned right there. He was so RIPPED OMG I AM FREAKING OUT I HAVE A WEAK SPOT FOR ABS DON'T JUDGE ME.

I stared at his abs and he chuckled then he grabbed my hand and led it toward his abs where I could touch them. I blushed

" So Mira apparently you have a weak spot I wonder what other weak spots you have," He said darkly

I shivered he beagle to unclip my.......

You may proceed

I woke up to a comfortable warmth next to me I snuggled into the pillow. Trying to go back to sleep but my pillow was unusually warm.

What a weird pillow then my pillow began to move up and down as if it was breathing last time I checked pillows don't breathe.

Knowing this I woke up to a tanned and ripped torso. I looked up to a sleeping Laxus as his arm was wrapped around me as he pulled me in closer to him.

I attempted to get up KEY WORF ATTEMPTED as I tried to get up I couldn't I could barely move.


I huffed then Laxus started to stir he opened his eyes and looked down at me.

" Morning Mira," He said as he kissed the top of my head

" Morning Laxus but you see I CAN'T MOVE WHAT THE HELL WHAT AM I GONNA DO ALL DAY," I yelled puffing my cheeks out

" Calm down Mira look," He said pointing to the Lacrima

On the screen were the girls

" Me and the others installed this to check on the others so basically you can watch your ships happen in action," He said calmly

" REALLY OMG YESSS," I squealed

He just chuckled and try to go back to sleep while I watched my ships in progress.

I noticed something in one of the cameras and it was with Lucy and the others

Heh I guess I know who is next.

I smirked

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