True Feeling of Fire and Ice

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I'm sorry for not updating yesterday I am going to update today and finish and start the new book.

Juvia POV

I was walking alone with Red. Everybody was taken from my group.

I hope the others are safe

The I heard rustling and then emerged our Blond celestial mage Lucy.

" LUCY," I yelled to her

" JUVIA , Man am I glad to see you," She said walking towards to me.

" What happened to the others," I asked noticing she was by herself

" They all got taken away we are the only ones left," She said

" No way even Erza and Mira," I said surprised that the 2 S-class mages were taken.

" Yeah it was unbelievable to me too," She said

" I think we should go find a place to rest because I am tired," She continued

" I agree," I said

" Man you guys have it rough," Red said floating

" Red now that I think about did you have it worse because you were chosen by the Dragon King," Lucy asked as we walked

" I guess but I didn't last long because you know you can get so far when an actual dragon is chasing you," She said

" Right," Lucy said

It started to get chilly all of a sudden.

" Is it me or is it getting colder." Lucy said

" Maybe it's the climate it must be getting dark soon," I said looking at the sun as it started to go down.

" Maybe you are right," She said

Then not two minutes later it got even colder and started to snow.

" Okay this is magic cause there is no way it's snowing in spring and all of a sudden," Lucy said shivering even more

" Lucy come on stay close to me Gray-sama is getting closer, " I said

" Man I am freezing," She said trying to get as close to me as possible for warmth

"Me too," I said

Then a dark shadow appeared and it was walking towards us.

I stopped making Lucy bump into me.

"'Ow," She said

" Lucy get ready something is coming," I said

Then from the fog emerged my favorite ice mage Gray-Sama.

" I found you," He said

" Lucy stay behind me," I whisperd  to her

She said nothing but I felt her nod against my back.

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