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Wendy POV

I was walking with Erza-San and Lucy-San.
It was silent till I spoke up," Lucy-San who do you think is left?" I asked

" I don't know Wendy," She said

Then suddenly we were met with Mira in her Satan soul.

" Oh it's just you," she sighed in relief

Then about a few minutes later it was raining for some reason.

" You think something happened to Juvia," Lucy-San asked

" Maybe," Erza-San said

The Lightning happened( You know what happened next)

Well in 20 minutes we met Mira and then she was gone.

" Okay so now it is just us as Levy- san and Juvia-San ," I said

" yeah this has become quite a thing do you think we are next," Lucy-San said

Erza shrugged

We heard branches snap and emerged from them was


" No does that mean I am next," I said

" Uhhh nope look," Lucy- SAN pointed

I looked closer and standing with Romeo was JELLAL

" J-Jellal," Erza stuttered as her cheeks has a pink hue to them.

Then Erza tries to look tough and got into a fighting position.

Then Jellal moved so fast that he was behind Erza in an Instant grabbed her then disappeared.

I was distracted that I didn't notice Romeo sneak behind me pick me up and ran away to Mavis where.

We then arrived at a tree house. It was blue and purple inside.

Romeo then walked to the couch and sat me down in his lap and began to kiss me.

I was stunned

But I soon gave in and began to kiss back.

He let go and went down my neck and found a spot that made me shiver he bit down and reconnected his lips to mine once more.

Romeo licked my lip I assumed trying to get me to allow him entrance. I hesitated but complied we fought for dominance and he won

Then we began to make out.

I know short chapter sorry it is like late so I want to say that for the Lemon book I will update tomorrow most likely and attempt to finish the book this weekend at start a new one we will see. So see you tomorrow

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