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Levy POV

I was with Juvia and Red we lost Kagura who left as if it was a horror movie.

" Levy I think we should look for the others," Juvia said

" I agree the more people the better," I said

Right when she said that we heard a roar.

" That sounds a lot like Gajeel- kun," Juvia said then it started to rain most likely from Juvia.

" It's better so it throws off the scent so we should move quickly," Juvia said as she started to speed walk.

" Ah man I'm getting all wet," Red complained

As we started to walk every now and then we could hear lightning.

" That must be Laxus he must be closing in on Mira," I said

Juvia nodded agreeing with me.

Then the rain started to clear up

" We should be far enough we should start looking," Juvia said

Just as he said that a twig broke and a figure emerged.  It was Lucy and she looked out of breath.

" Lucy what happened," Juvia asked

" Eveyone been taken it's just us now," Lu said after catching her breath

" So the three trouble makers are left," I said

We started to walk towards shelter since is was getting dark.

" That looks like a decent cave for the night," I said pointing to it.

Then suddenly metal bars started to shoot up from the ground caging me inside.

" AH," I screamed

" LEVY," Juvia screamed she started to make it rain so it could cloud their vision then I heard it.

" Gihee," an all to familiar laugh from one other then the Iron Dragon slayer

" Uh Oh," Lu-chan said as she paled

Then I was suddenly thrown over Gajeel's shoulder as he walked away in to the darkness of the forest.

" LEVY," I heard the two girls scream as I was whisked away.

We arrived at a cabin with black and grey inside.

He continued walking until we were inside a what I assumed bedroom as he threw me gently in the bed.

He got on top of me," Well shrimp are you prepared for what happens next," He said as he started to lean down.

I just blushed as I was caged inside his big arms waiting for what awaits in the other side.

I woke up to a blinding light coming on the room. I looked to a big giant beside me as we cuddled in the bed.I was blushing as I remembered last night events.

I can't believe I did that

I was smiling as I finally said my feeling to the guys was crushing on for the longest time.  I went back into my originally spot snuggling up to him as I went back to sleep.

I wonder how Lu-chan and Juvia are doing

As I went back into my wonderful sleep.

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