Two figures ( short Chapeter)

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3rd person

The two girls woke up the next day with marks and a male next to them sleeping soundly. Both smiled happily as they realized last nights events" Levy finished reading her  best friends new book she just finished.(HAHAHHAHA you thought but it was all a book. Don't worry my next is a continue of this and it's the real deal)
" wow Lu-chan it's really good," She said

" Thanks Levy," She smiled as she drank her milkshake.

" I can't believe you thought of this I was really into it," She said

Then her and Lucy started to Talk about the book.

Unknown to them that these events will actually happen in two days and with a few others.

As the two talked two figures emerged from the doors at the guild.

One was there First Master Mavis and the other just so happened to be one of the first members of fairy tail. A woman that would guide them through the steps and phases of the unknown season of Slayer mating season. As she too was once part of the process and is now here to warn the girls as there potential lovers will start to go throught the same thing her mate went through.

Fairy Tail just entered the season Of Slayer season.

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