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Lucy POV

I woke up in my very comfortable bed. I was about to get up and stretch when I realized I couldn't.


I looked down and saw to muscular arms wrapped around my waist making me feel very safe and my back pressed against something abnormally warm.

I had blue lines on my face and turned knowing who it exactly who it was my face a few cenimeters from Natsu someone who I was secretly in love with. I started to blush red and yelled," NAAATTTSSSUUUU!!!"

He opened his eyes," Jeez Luce why so loud,"

" What are you doing in my house in MY bed," I said blushing mostly from anger.

" Your bed is comfortable and plus your here," His voice muffled as he pressed his face into the pillow as he tries to go back to sleep.

" LUCY KICK," I yelled as I kicked him off the bed

" Ow," He groaned

" Im getting ready to go to the guild DON"T COME IN," I said

--------------Time skip brought to you by Mira's shipping--------------------

When we go to the guild Natsu stuck to me like glue he refused to let me go.

I sweatdropped

" You liiikkkkkeeeee him," Happy said

" Shut it cat," I said

As we opened the doors it was very odd

Levy was sitting on Gajeel's lap reading a book

Laxus was at the bar staring at Mira and trying to grab her attention who was freaking out watching this occur along with Lisanna who kept grinning and when she saw us she grinned happily sitting next to Bixslow slightly blushing( I don't like when Lisanna is the bad character I think she is sweet and I ship her with Bixslow so she will be a shipper like her sister)

Romeo was sitting next to Wendy very close making the girl blush

I saw Jellal who was here for some reason sitting next to Erza trying to feed her cake while she blushed making her face put her hair to shame.

I saw Gray who was sitting next to Juvia very closely and having a conversation with her

Finally I saw Cobra who came with Jellal I assumed talking with Kianna who was doing what Laxus was doing with Mirajane.

Something smells fishy and its not Happy.

I waddled my way to Levy.

" Hi Lu-chan." she said

" Hi Levy-chan," I responded

" Levy do you think something is strange with slayers well besides Jellal and Romeo," I said

" Yeah I agree , Library?," She said

" Library," I said confirming

After I said that we heard growling and we noticed it was coming from the boys when we noticed some people getting to close to them.

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