:Love Lessons - Part Three

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So here's Part Three and the final part of this One Shot. I've really enjoyed writing this, was so tempted to turn this into a story, but I decided to keep it short. You guys can use your imaginations to decide what happens aftwerwards.

Warning: This part will have slight smuttiness, nothing dramatic, just kissing, but come on, its Tom we're talking about ;)

"We're going in the lift, and we're going to talk. Properly".

I had never heard Tom use this tone of voice before. It was slightly cold, domineering, on the verge of being highly dangerous. And I loved it. It sent delicious shivers down my spine and sent my stomach into a twirl.

Once inside, Tom pressed the button to shut the doors, and positioned himself in the far corner, opposite me.

"So, what do you want to talk about?", I volunteered, seeing as Tom was just staring at me again.

"Perhaps you'd care to explain what you meant by your little speech you just delivered back upstairs.", edging closer towards me with every word.

I felt like a deer caught in the headlights of a car.

"I...I can't remember what I even said," my voice not sounding like that of a rational adult.

"Maybe I can refresh your memory. You said something like 'sitting around waiting for something that was never going to happen, waiting for the impossible'. What does that mean?" Damn. I was hoping he had forgotten that part. No such luck.

"Oh, I don't know. I didn't mean that... I....". This was turning out harder than I expected.

He was about a metre away, towering over me, like the giant he was. I could smell his scent, something I had missed but not forgotten over the years. It was intoxicating, and it sent my senses into an overload.

"Well answer me this, then. When you're with Joey, are you happy? Does he really know what you need?"

He closed the gap between us, placing his right hand on the lift wall just above my head, and leaned down so our faces were on the level. He smelt of peppermint and leather, all rolled into one.

"Of course I'm happy! I wouldn't go out with him otherwise, would I?" I could feel the anger rising again.

"And when he kisses you....."

How dare he! How dare he intrude on matters that were none of his business, and pretend to assume he knew how I felt! I planned on setting matters straight.

"I haven't kissed Joey, for your information. I haven't kissed anyone! And not because the opportunity hasn't been there, but because I chose to! I chose to go without, because I was once promised that my first kiss would be something special, from someone who cared for me!"

Tears were starting to form in the corner of my eyes. I stopped to catch my breath, blinking the tears away, and continued, not noticing Tom's eyes growing wider by the second.

"And here I am, five years later, probably the only 18 year old I know that hasn't been kissed yet. I've kept my side of our deal, but what does that matter, when you can have any woman you want? God, this is pathetic."

I met his gaze, expecting him to be livid, angry, disgusted. But all he did was grin. Yes, that heart-wrenching, breathtaking little grin of his. He stepped away and pressed the button that stopped the lift. We came to a stop halfway between the 9th and 8th floor.

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