Someone Watching Over You (Loki POV)

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Loki's POV

It was turning out to be another night where the blissful ignorance of sleep refused to come to me. As I tossed and turned, I repeated the one name that helped calm my troubled heart.

Realms away down on Midgard lay my savior, in a bed not unlike mine; my love, who had once saved me from myself, and there was nothing I could do to change the situation.

It had been over two years in Midgardian terms, since we had been cruelly separated by forces beyond our control. I had been made to cast her out of my life, leaving her behind on Earth; the one person who had reached down into the depths of my soul and who had rescued me; for her own safety.

It had broke my heart, something I hadn't thought it possible for me to be in possession of; to cause such pain and suffering to the last person I would wish to harm in all the nine Realms. It had been the only way to keep her safe and out of harms way. Yet not a day went by where I did not blame myself for all that had happened.

Staying in my quarters would not solve anything, so after dressing in casual  Asgardian clothing, I transported myself to to the Rainbow Bridge. Even the breathtaking colors that swam before my eyes could not appease my mood.

"Greetings, Prince Loki. What could be troubling you so to bring you to the Bifrost at such a late hour?", the brave and loyal Gatekeeper inquired.

"Heimdall, you know only too well the reason for my presence here tonight", I sighed, weary with longing for news for her.

"Your visits grow more frequent with each day that passes, Loki. Odin worries that it is not good for your health to keep blaming yourself by watching her".

"Please, just tell me how she is, Heimdall. Can you see her?", my voice begging, anxious to hear she was well.

He took his place on the platform from where he could gaze out over all the nine Realms, something I had never been more envious of than in that moment. After a few minutes I began to worry at his silence.

"What is it? What's wrong? Is she hurt? I swear to Odin, if anyone has touched her..."

"She is in good physical shape, Loki. Just the smallest of Midgardian illnesses, what humans call 'a common cold'. She will be well by the morning."

"There is more, Heimdall, I know you hold something back. You must tell me, I command it!",  my tone now desperate.

"She appears...emotionally distressed, Prince", Heimdall began reluctantly. "Sleep eludes her lately. She tosses and turns when she does at last sleep, whispering your name until her body craves rest. In short I believe she misses you, Loki."

I could feel the tears beginning to form in the corner my eyes and I quietly turned away to hide my display of weakness. Although in truth, she had become my weakness, and it still scared me just how powerful her influence over me was. Yet, the simple truth that I would do anything for her remained unchanged. It seemed as though we were both suffering the same feelings.

"As I miss her.", I whispered quietly enough for my ears only , yet nothing escaped Heimdall's notice.

"You truly love her, do you not, Loki?", he asked.

Words were of no use when answering such a question, as the Gatekeeper already knew as his golden eyes observed me.

"I only wish to confirm my love for her, to remind her of my faithful devotion and that I have not given up on us. That, she deserves to know.", I confessed.

"There may be a way Loki, my Prince; a way to tell her."


So I thought it was time for a Loki one shot. This is in two parts, first Loki's POV and the next update will be Eloise's POV. And I promise to update tomorrow, its really late here but I wanted to at least get the first part up, so apologies for any mistakes too :P

Please vote and comment, I love hearing from you all!!!
Til tomorrow x

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