Breaking the Law for You

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You hadn't really known what to expect when you joined the police force, but it certainly hadn't involved sitting in a unmarked patrol car with a speeding gun for over seven hours.

Your backside felt numb as you lent over for the coffee that was now cold and stale tasting. You guessed that as far as your average speed gun measuring day went, it had been a pretty good day. You had clocked over 50 people speeding through the 30mph zone that led out of town. No doubt they would all feel as thrilled when their speeding ticket arrived in the post.

"Patrol Vehicle 193, come in. I repeat, Officer (Y/N), Vehicle 193, come in", a male voice crackled through your car radio.

"Headquarters, this is Officer (Y/N), Vehicle 193, awaiting instructions.", you replied.

"You are dismissed for the day. Please report to the station at 0700 hours tomorrow."

"Thanks Freddy, have a good night!"

"You too (Y/N), we'll see you in the morning!"

Placing your radio back, you started up the engine, ready to head home. You was looking forward to a quiet evening spent in the company of a glass of wine and your TV. You were overdue for a rerun of the whole Sherlock series. It was what had got you interested in solving crimes in the first placetime. Not that you were going to be assigned to any cases in the nearby future.

As you prepared to pull away to join the road, a black Jaguar flew past you, almost crashing into an oncoming truck as it swerved to miss you. The driver must have been doing at least 45mph in the 30mph zone, and you had to stop yourself from shouting out the window.

Even though you were now off duty, you had never been able to let anyone get away with breaking the law, especially when it came to show offs thinking themselves above everyone else in their fast, expensive cars.

You put your foot down, in an attempt to catch up with the driver. After a few minutes you could see the Jaguar was two cars ahead of you. Switching your sirens on, you overtook the cars that had pulled over for you until you were behind the Jaguar. You flashed your lights and put your indicator on, signaling for the driver to pull over into the layby you was now approaching.

Your stomach did a little flip as a pair of male eyes gazed at you intensely from the Jaguar's rearview mirror and watched as you got out your car and made your way over to their window.

"How can I help you Officer?", a smooth, deep and tantalizing voice asked.

You looked in the window to see none other than Tom Hiddleston, the man you had labelled as perfection itself. It was really him! Goodness, those cheekbones were as defined as you had imagined; eyes one could lose yourself in. And lips, lips chiseled into perfection. Lips that.....

"Are you ok there, Miss?", Tom's voice  brought you back to reality. Great, now he sounded like the Officer in charge. Get a grip, you told yourself.

"I do apologize Mr Hiddleston, I'm not familiar with the protocol of stopping a celebrity who's been speeding.", you replied, aware of how pink your cheeks must be.

"Ehehe, you know who I am! I hope that means you're a fan!", he laughed, something that you could listen to all day.

"Of course I'm a fan, you're an amazing actor with so much talent.... But that doesn't change the fact you were speeding back there. I'm sorry, but it's my job.", you stated, trying to stay at professional as possible and avoid melting into a puddle at his feet.

"No, I understand. I have no excuse really, other from the fact I was just exciting about taking my new girl out.", he explained, your heart plummeting at his words. Of course the guy would have a girlfriend. It's a wonder he didn't have a harem of women with the way he's was so good looking.

"She's a beauty, isn't she?", Tom asked and you came out of your trance. "The car... I only just bought her this morning...", he explained, the confusion evident on your face.

It suddenly dawned on you. It was the car he was talking about, not an actual girl! You felt your whole face light up and couldn't help but nod shyly.

"I don't suppose you fancy coming for a ride, do you? A bit of company from someone as yourself would be much nicer than being alone, ehehe", he invited.

"Well, I don't know if....", you hesitated. Was this really happening?

"Come on!", Tom told you, opening the passenger door for you, "I promise not to speed too much."

"In that case...", you flashed him a massive grin as you sat in, "Drive on, Mr Hiddleston".


Apologies for this being bit cheesy but I have had to resort to using my phone at the minute as my laptop is misbehaving :( As soon as it's fixed I will be updating ALL stories :)

Thank you so so much for all your votes and comments, they make my day!

Lots of Hiddles Love :D

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