Cries in the Night

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Apologies in advance for the mood of this one shot. I'm not really sure where it came from, since I've had a good week. But somehow this was the finished result, so I hope you enjoy, regardless.

Please vote and comment what you think, you guys are the best and I love to hear your thoughts :D

Just a short warning: feels.

"Mummy, Daddy, look at me! Look what I can do!"

You watched with joy as your little girl wobbled about on her bike without any help for the first time. She was such a quick learner, something she got from Tom.

"Aren't you proud of our baby, sweetheart?" Tom whispered, as he stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head in the crook of your neck.

"Always... You know, she's the greatest gift you could ever have given me...", you began, only to be cut off by Tom's lips on yours, his tenderness pulling at your heartstrings.

Entranced by the kiss, neither of you noticed how close little Sophie was going near the road...


You woke up with a start, the cold sweat from the nightmare leaving you shivering despite how thick the duvet was.

It had been three years since you had lost your only daughter, Sophie. Still, the flashbacks were a regular feature of your nights. Nights that were spent restlessly berating yourself for not having looked after Sophie more carefully.

You rolled over to face the framed photo you kept on your bedside table. The smiling faces of you, Tom and a four year old Sophie looked back at you, memories of a happier day. You and Sophie had gone to visit Tom on set of the new Loki movie, and Elsa, Chris Hemsworth's wife, had made the 3 of you pose for a photo.

Tom had still been in his usual Loki costume, which never failed to get your heart racing; Sophie had run up into her Daddy's arms, the adoration in her eyes captured forever.

"What have you done with my Daddy, Loki?", she had teased.

"Well, my little mortal," Tom had replied, grinning wickedly, "I have sent him to Asgard in my place, so I can be your Daddy now and kiss your Mummy anytime I want!", pulling you in for a kiss.

You smiled, grateful for yet another precious moment to remember her by. You suddenly realised how empty the bed felt, and looked over to face the bare, crumpled sheets next to you.

Where was Tom? Grabbing your dressing gown, you carefully made your way across the room, and poked your head out into the landing. You could hear faint traces of voices and laughter coming from the living room of your apartment, and quietly, you padded down the halls to find out what was going on.

The living room door had been left slightly ajar, and through the gap you saw that the television on, Sophie's little face and smile filling the screen. It was a video from the day you and Tom had took her to the zoo, her favorite place world.

"So what do you think, Soph? Are you having a good time?", your voice sounding so joyful and carefree, something foreign you now.

"You're the best mummy and daddy in the world!!", she cried happily as you caught her on film attack hugging Tom.

A strangled sob reached your ears and you pushed the door open a little wider. Tom sat curled up on the floor, clutching a cushion as if it would keep him from drowning in his sorrow. His eyes were red and puffy and steady tears trickled down his beautiful face.

It was a side he didn't often show these days, choosing to throw himself into his work instead, putting on a brave front for the world. Yet, you knew he still grieved the same as you.

" love...", your own voice threatening to break as you made your way besides him on the floor, wrapping your arms around him as he rocked back and forth.

He looked into your eyes, clasping your face in his hands, his eyes telling you, more than he ever could, how much he missed his daughter. No words were needed as you comforted each other, the grief bringing you closer together, forming a bond strong enough to cope through the pain.

After a while, your cries subsided, your bodies unable to take any more sadness. Tom pulled you into his chest, a familiar touch that always left you feeling safe.

"Tom?", you whispered softly, hesitant as to whether it was an appropriate time to speak what was on your mind.

"Mmmm, what is it, darling?", he replied, gently stroking your hair.

"Sophie's not coming back, I know that. But she will always be in our hearts. And I also know that I've held us back from having another child. I just haven't been ready...."

"Ssshhh, you don't need to explain, love. I understand completely, you know...", Tom started.

"No, Tom. Let me finish. I said I haven't been ready, but now I.... I think...", you sighed, knowing you weren't making yourself clear.

"Would I be right in thinking you're trying to say you're ready to be a mum again?", Tom's smile making your insides turn into melted ice cream.

You lifted your head enough to give him a small shy smile and a nod. And in that moment, the love and joy that shone out of his beautiful eyes left you breathlessly wondering what you had done to deserve such a man.

"Oh, (Y/N), I've been waiting to hear you say that...", and before he finished his sentence, his lips were on yours, a promise of what lay ahead as your wish would be granted.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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