Birthday Boy

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700+ read, you guys!!!!  Thank you SO much!!!! Thanks to everyone who reads these, I hope you all enjoy them!!

So here's a imagine for you all, it's Tom's birthday and you've got a few suprises planned for him ;) Read on, to find out what you get up to.

Please remember, to VOTE, and COMMENT!! I absolutely love it when people comment, it makes my day!!!


Beep!Beep!Beep! You heard your alarm go off, and quickly turn over to silence it. You lay there, silent as a mouse, not daring to breathe. The sleeping figure next to you moves slightly, and you hold your breath, but after a moment, you hear his soft snoring return and you relax.

Slowly, carefully, you creep out of the warm bed, leaving Tom behind you, as you make your way to the spare bedroom. Tiptoeing across the wooden floor, you can't help but sneak a peek back to where he lays curled up in bed, looking angelic with his head against the soft, white, pillowcase.

You have been planning this day for months now, wanting everything to be as perfect as it could possibly be, knowing that he deserves the best and ONLY the best. The thing with Tom is that he never expects much from anyone, hence why you want this day to be as perfect for him as possible.

Once inside the spare bedroom, you silently lock the door, so there is no way Tom can disturb you, should he wake up. Which you highly doubt after last night's events. Your cheeks blush at the memory of the two of you, but you push it to the back of your mind. You have more important things to do.

Opening the wardrobe, you pull out the box that contains part of his presents. A rucksack, containing a camera, a map of London, his train pass, sunglasses, and a copy of "Walking Shakespeare's London: 20 Original Walks in and around London". You close the box back again, sealing the lid shut, and tie the final ribbon on top.

Coming out of the bedroom, you now make your way to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. You love cooking breakfast for Tom. It wasn't often that you had the chance, since most mornings he was off to work as you woke up, giving you a quick kiss before he was gone. But weekends were the one time you both set aside for each other, enjoying the little things in life before spending the day together.

You decide on homemade waffles and bacon, something simple but enough to get you both through the morning. Ten minutes later, everything is ready and you plate it all up, putting it on a tray, along with fresh orange juice, coffee, and a small handwritten quote on the side of his plate that reads:

"I love you more than words can wield the matter,

Dearer than eyesight, space and liberty".

One of his favourites quotes from Shakespeare's King Lear, it was also a clue as you what you had planned.  Entering the bedroom once again, you're surprised to see him still fast asleep. Your heart skips a beat as you realize how lucky you are to have this man in your life. Putting the tray on the side, you move over to where he sleeps, and whisper in his ear "Happy Birthday, my love."

Tom groans, his eyes squinting open ever so slightly as he rolls over to see who has disturbed his sleep. He really must be more exhausted than you thought, you think to yourself. On seeing you though, his face lights up and his eyes open wide.

"Hey! What are you doing up?", he asks, in that sexy morning voice you love so much.

"Well, today is a special day, you know. I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed for a change." you reply, leaning over to plant a soft kiss on his lips. He suddenly pulls you down into the bed with him, keeping his lips on yours, so that you are now half straddling him, half-hugged against his waist.

"You made me breakfast?", his lips reluctantly pulling away from yours. You know what will happen if you stay in this position for much longer, so you move off the bed over to where you left the tray.

"I did, waffles and bacon, prepared by my own hands, too!", you tell him, setting the tray down on his lap.

You watch him take in all the little details, until his sight comes to rest on the quote you wrote him. His lips silently read the words, stopping, then reading them a second time.

"Shakespeare this early in the morning? Wow, it really must be my birthday!", he jokes, grinning up at you. "This is..... amazing (Y/N)...I...You should'nt have..."

"Mr Thomas William Hiddleston, are you actually lost for words?", you ask, feigning shock while secretly inside, you feel overjoyed. If he likes this, how much more so what is planned next!

Before he can say another word, you rush out the room to get his presents, leaving him sitting there, confused. You come back with the big box in your hands, and place it on the bed next to him. He carefully rests the tray on the floor, careful not to spill anything.

"What's this?", his expression a mixture of delight and curiosity.

"Let's just say, it's some clues as to what I've planned for this morning!", you reveal, pushing the box into his hands.

He gingerly pulls the lid off, peering inside to try to make out the contents. Pulling out the rucksack, his face is a delight to watch.

"Wow, thanks...It's great.."

"Look what's inside, silly!", you laugh, undoing the zip for him.

He pulls out the items one by one, finally arriving at the book. His eyes widen and he turns to look at you with wonder in his eyes.

"Is this what we're doing? A Shakespeare walk round London?", the way his voice sounded like that of a little boy on Christmas morning making you laugh.

"Only if you want to.."

"Yes! I want to! Do you realize I have been meaning to do this with you from the moment we met?", taking his hand in yours.

"Really?", you squeal, pleased he likes it. "I know we're having dinner with your family tonight, but I thought we could at least have most of the morning together."

You were rewarded with another kiss, this one more passionate than the last, one deep enough with meaning to cause the butterflies in the pit of your stomach to take to flight.

"Thank you, darling. This is going to be the best birthday ever!", the excitement obvious in his face.

You give him a slow wink as you get off the bed and walk towards the shower, looking back at him over your shoulder.

"You don't even know what else I've got planned for you today, birthday boy.", you whisper seductively, as you began to take off your pyjamas one piece at a time.


And hope you all enjoyed this, thank you for reading!!!!!!

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