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John POV

I stared at my new dorm with anger, disgust, and hatred. I had to leave my old school to come to this boarding school thanks to my parents having such a horrible domestic. Time to get this show on the road. Ugh!

I opened the dorm room with whispering of girls and guys alike about me rooming with a freak. I looked to see an occupied bed with a lanky, pale person reading a book, not even acknowledging I walked in.

"Uhm, hello. John Watson. You are?"

The guy looked up from his book and at my hand before answering," Sherlock Holmes. Might wanna start getting ready. Everyone that rooms with me ends up hating me. Also, really, you should probably look at your arm. It seems to be bruised."

"How the bloody hell did you know- never mind I don't want to know. Just may I ask why people hate you?"

He sighed and looked at me from his book, and I saw his eyes a beautiful green, blue, gray colour. "John, you wince at weight moving on your shoulder. Also, people hate me when I deduce them as I have just done with you. Now, I'm going back to my book," he muttered, looking back to his book.

"Amazing. That was bloody amazing!"

"What was?"

"What you just did! It was bloody brilliant!"

"That's not what people usually say."

"Well, what do they say then?"

His looked at me and smirked answering," Piss off." I chuckled at that and earned a laugh from him. It was unique, and it felt like I stumbled across a rarity.

We talked for a while when I finally realised the time was way past supper. "Crap! I'm starved, and it's past nine!"

Sherlock looked at me and shook his head. "Canteen's still opened until 10. You can go get something."

"What about you? You haven't ate since I've been here, so you gonna come?"

Sherlock glared at me and sighed. "Sure. Why not?"

Sherlock POV

I glared at my father as he went to straiten my tie. "Sherlock, m'boy! You're going to one of the best schools in all of England! Please don't get all moody! Mycroft will make it there tomorrow, so don't piss off anyone within twenty-four hours."

"Dad! I don't want to-"


"You have no right to talk to me like that!"

I watched as he stepped away and then ran, grabbing my bag then getting to the cab making my way to the school.

When I arrived at the school, I pushed past all the glares from everyone and tried to make my way to the same dorm as always and just stay. My roommate would hate me within two days as always and either leave or say he wants to off himself at my attitude.

"Ah! Freak's here guys! Let's see how he's been doing since the last year."

I turned and saw Anderson and his group of friends walking over. "So, Freak, how's it been since last time?" He asked, pushing me. "Huh? Cat got your tongue?" I glared at him and tried to make my way past, but he grabbed my arm forcefully and pushed me down. "Stop trying to escape and answer me Freak!"

I looked at him and then the rest of his gang before I walked away, pulling myself from Anderson's grip. I ignored all the looks from everyone and made my way to my dorm trying to become invisible until Monday- when school officially started.
"Sure, why not?" I said to my dorm mate as we started to leave the room down to the canteen. I immediately regretted my decision as soon as I saw Anderson and co sitting in the middle being as mind boggling stupid as usual.

"Guys! Freak's came down to eat, and it looks as if he has a pet!"

I groaned inwardly at Sally as she sneered at John and me while we walked through the line. "Oh wow! This is a first! He actually does eat!" Sally exclaimed as I took a sandwich and walked to the other side of the canteen with John on my heels.

"Sherlock, we don't have to stay if you don't want to. It's okay with me."

I took a few bites, debating on taking John's offer before I nodded and stood with John grabbing his food and following me. Too many calories already. Purge when roommate is asleep. I threw the remainder of my food away and walked to the dorm room, hearing things about being a freak.

As soon as we entered the room, I laid on my bed and just closed my eyes while I listened to John eat.

"Why was that girl acting like that?"

"Who? Sally Donovan? She hasn't liked me since she started being this fling with Anderson. Anderson has always hated me since we met for reasons..."

I looked over at John to see him shaking his head. "It's just wrong how they treat you," he muttered. "John, I can assure you that I've had a whole hell of a lot worse than being called a freak and picked on. You needn't worry about it. It doesn't concern you."

"You mean they've attacked you?" John asked in worry.
"Yeah, it's nothing."

"Dammit Sherlock! Why haven't you told anyone?"

"I told you! I've told my family, but no one listens! I'm sorry that I'm not like you! At least you have a family that has some caring for you! At least you haven't been sent away every year just so your family won't have to see your face since you're such a freak!" I snapped, wishing I could take it back. No one needed to know. "I-I-I have to go."

"Sherlock, wait," John pled behind me grabbing my wrist, causing me to stiffen.

"I'm sorry. I just need to think."

He let go, and I made my way to the rooftop where I could be alone and think.

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