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John POV

I felt horrible; they took my best friend away from me. "I want to see Sherlock!" I kept screaming; my voice going hoarse from the straining of my vocal cords.

"Mr. Watson, we have no idea who this Sherlock is. Only clue is a file saying he's dead. Who is he?"

"He's my best friend! He was just in here. I want to see him."

Only a nurse was in the room with me. "John," she started. "No one was in here with you. It was a figment of your imagination. You need rest."

"No! My best friend! I just saw him! Please!"

The nurse just ignored me and walked out of the room. Each day was like that until I was released. No one came and got me, but I never was asked to sign papers. They were already done.

I made my way back to the dorm room, earning pity looks from people. My best friend was dead, and I tried to kill myself. The question was: who brought me there?

I opened the door to the dorm to see Mycroft sitting on his little brother's bed. "What do you want? A check-up to see if I'm holding up?" I asked, annoyed with his presence.

"No, I was going to ask if you had see my brother."

I turned to gape at him. I wasn't that stupid; I wasn't going to fall for him being alive.

"Oh please! Don't tell me you actually believe my brother to be dead! He's alive; I was supposed to be the only one that knew he was still alive, but he had to commit grand theft auto with my car and take you to the hospital."

"Look, I was told that he was dead. I have no idea where he is. I only saw him once, and we argued. I tried to see him again, but he doesn't exist. It was all my imagination!"

Mycroft stood and pointed his umbrella he always had with him and looked at me accusingly. "John Watson. You are very close to being kicked out of this school. If you help me find my baby brother, I can pull some strings, and you stay here. Now, tell me what you know," he yelled, breaking his usual cool composure.

"I would if I knew anything!"

Just then my phone buzzed. I reached and grabbed it.

Not dead. Meet me on the roof when Mycroft leaves. -SH

I shook my head. "Stupid trash. But, I honestly have no idea. Could you please leave? I do need rest," I said, closing my phone and setting it by my bed.

"Very well. If he contacts you, tell him that I'd love to see him about stealing my car."

"Will do."

I watched as he left the room and laid on my bed, ignoring what that earlier text said. I'd have to make sure Mycroft wasn't following me. It had been ten minutes, and I made my way to the roof.

I opened the door and stared at him, curled up on the roof.


He looked up at me and smiled softly. "Are you real?" I asked, not trusting myself.


I sighed and ran towards him, forgetting that there was such a thing as space and hugged him. "Thanks for not being dead!" I exclaimed in his chest. "Thank you."

He rubbed a hand up and down my back. We stayed liked that for a few minutes before pulling back. I stared at him, feeling so wrong yet, also, so right.


He hummed in response as I looked at him. "What was it you were trying to ask me? Earlier in the hospital." I asked feeling so much like an arse.

"A while back, the first few weeks of school, why did you kiss me?"

I looked away and down at the couples walking hand in hand and the loners being by themselves. I didn't know how to answer that.

"It's been five months. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I-I don't wanna say, though. It was a mistake; I was being stupid. You have a girlfriend; I was just being stupid."

"John, you really are stupid. You are so stupid. I thought you were smarter than the people here, but they know something you don't."

I glared at him. "What do you mean?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Easy. I'm gay."

Sherlock POV

I told John my sexuality. All that was left was to tell him my biggest secret. John just looked at me.

"You've been missing for three months, and this is what you tell me! That you're gay! I'm not shocked! I had suspicions! What kills me is that you think that's all you have to say! I nearly died thinking I killed you! I have no reason to live without you!"

I flinched at the sound of hurt in his voice. I caused that.

"Don't you dare say anything! I was worried sick, killing myself over the fact that I did that to you! Just, please, tell me why you left without a trace or word or anything."

I stared at him, scared at how all of this was screwed up. This was not how it was supposed to go. I watched as he started to leave.

"I didn't want to leave. I had to. My dad is behind bars while my mom is away from him. Mycroft learned my biggest secret and planned to use it against me. I-I had to go along with what he was telling me. Then, I just stopped when I heard you were messed up."

I felt tears running down my face. I had to tell him. He had a hand on the door.

"John, you're my weakness. You're...I'm in love with you."

His hand dropped from the door, and he looked at me. I felt so stupid. There was no way he cared about me like that.


I didn't answer. He was going to shoot me down. No one likes a freak.

"Sherlock," he whispered as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I didn't dare look at him. He chuckled and pulled me so I could look at him. "If you don't look at me, I will annoy you to death."

I looked at him and tried to argue when he kissed me. He pulled away. "I guess we're both stupid then," he sighed as he turned his attention away from me. "I love you as well."

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