Chapter 4

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AUTHOR'S NOTE!! If you're reading this, THANK YOU! lol plzz vote and comment to show your support. DO IT FOR THE CHILDREN! DO IT TO END WORLD HUNGER! DO IT TO STOP KONY!!! LOL :-*


As we waited in the waiting area of the TV station, I watched Louis and Harry act like opposing forces. Everywhere Harry moved, Louis did the opposite, distancing himself as far away from him as possible. Harry was in an oddly good mood, but Louis’s attitude was like the complete opposite of his. He was acting like a grumpy old lady. It was very unlike our Lou. He’s been acting strange lately and it’s hard not to notice that it has something to do with Harry.

I shook off Louis’s problems and tried to focus on my own. I wasn’t sure when I should call her back. I’d been on plenty of dates before, but the normal routine of the day after seemed t not apply to Kalenn. She was special. She made me incredibly nervous, even when I was just thinking of her.

Liam saw my intense thinking and came to sit next to me. “I can see smoke coming from your ears, Zayn.” He joked with me.

“When do you think I should call her back?” Instead of throwing back a smartass comment I just cut to the chase.

Liam sighed. “Why don’t you worry about that later. We’re on in about ten minutes so just focus on the interview, alright?”

I nodded. It was kind of creepy how right he was most of the time. “Yeah okay.”

He clapped me on the back.

“So what’s it like living with four of your best mates? Does it get old after awhile?” The pleasant interviewer posed the question towards all of us, but it was understood that either Liam and Harry would answer first. They were the best with words.

“It can be stressful sometimes, of course, but it still never gets old to wake up in the mornings and be greeted by a bunch of your friends.” Liam’s answer flowed without a hitch, and it sounded completely natural. Even though he must’ve answered that question about a million times already this year.

“Yeah it’s especially great when you have something to share with your friends and instead of having to drive all the way over to their houses you can just walk down the hallway and there they are!” Harry added. Whenever he spoke, the interviewer leaned in a little bit too much, exposing her breasts through the top of her shirt. I was sure it was on purpose. All interviewers seemed a little bit more interested in what Harry had to say. Not to mention the, ehem, more “mature” ones.

She nodded. “I can imagine. So Harry, Louis, I’m sure you’ve gotten a hold of the fan’s couple name for you? Larry Stylinson? What do you think of that?” She smiled patiently, obviously intent on the answer. Everyone loved the idea of a good bromance it seemed.

Harry went to say something, but Louis cut him off. “I think it’s ridiculous. I mean we’re no closer than any of the other boys. It’s slightly insulting.”

Harry’s mouth hung open at Louis’s obvious lie.

The interviewer looked between them and was about to press further on it when Niall dutifully yelled out, “I’m thinking we’re going to do a song about crazy fans like that on our next album. Like a tribute or something like that.” He chuckled nervously, but the lady gave her attention to their second album instead of lingering on Larry Stylinson.

“Oh right, you’re new album! How’s it coming along?”

I finally made my speaking debut. “It’s been good, takes up a lot of time but it’ll be worth it in the end.”

She nodded. “How does working all the time affect your relationships and friendships?”

Liam spoke up. “There’s a point in, I think, all of our relationships where you just have to sit down with her and tell her, ‘You know I love you, and you know I’m not going to do you any wrong. We may just have to be apart for a little while.’”

The lady nodded and didn’t notice the evil glares Harry and Louis were exchanging. Before her attention was drawn towards them, I added, “And meeting a girl who is really down to earth and not just in it for the fame takes a lot of pressure off of you, ya know? ‘Cause if she’s in it for you, then in the long run being apart won’t be so bad.”

Liam nodded and Harry broke away from Louis’s harsh stare and agreed.


After that potential ruin, we collectively decided we needed to make a run to the mall to get a few new things. We knew this would be a challenge, considering no matter what time of day it is or what day of the week it is, there will always be teenagers in the mall.

We shopped through Abercrombie and Fitch as the mall security and some of our personal security fought to keep the crowd down outside of the store. It was major chaos out there, and I think we all felt bad that we were taking so long.

I pulled out my phone and texted Kalenn, asking her to dinner Saturday night. I stared at my phone, hoping she’d answer soon and put me out of my misery. Niall saw me from behind a clothing rack and smiled encouragingly at me. He must’ve known I was slowly going inZayn. He was always so happy to comfort and encourage me. He’s a special one, that leprechaun.

Finally, we got what we needed and made our way to the exit. All I could hear was screaming, and the usual echo that was trademark in malls made everything sound ten times louder. As the guards made a wall for us, so that we could walk out without being stampeded on, we heard one of them yell, “Cover that side! No one’s covering that side!”

In a flash that lasted maybe two seconds, Harry’s shirt was torn to bits (not that he minded), and Niall was being dragged away, kicking and screaming. After a terrifying time of running without any sign of Niall, one of the security guards recovered him from the rabid teenage girls, pulling him out by the tops of his arms and steadying him back on the ground so he could run with us back to the car.

When we got inside everyone took a collective sigh of relief. Liam leaned over and told the driver, “Home please.” He nodded and started towards home.

Niall sat beside me, not saying anything, shaking. The poor boy looked like he was shell shocked. His hair was a tousled mess, he had some shallow scratches on his arms from being pulled away, and I think he was missing a shoe.

He hates being crowded, never mind being hauled off into a mass of hungry girls. I couldn’t imagine how he was feeling, but I put an arm around him and gave him a “manly” hug. He didn’t accept the macho gesture, he just slumped against me, laying his head on my shoulder and resting there silently.

To anyone else, this position would be considered “gay”. But to us, and the rest of One Direction, we were close enough to hold each other without raising speculation and without feeling awkward.

I looked up and noticed Louis looking at the situation with sad eyes. Harry, who was sitting next to him shirtless, was looking strangely at Louis. Like he didn’t understand what he was thinking or why he was thinking it.

The ride home was a quiet one.

Sitting on the couch at home, after that fiasco, the house was silent and everyone was in there rooms. I was watching some boring documentary on catching fish. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and almost jumped through the roof. I dug it out hastily and looked at the text.

Sure. Dorm room 302.

I silently yelled in triumph.


AWWWW POOR NIALL! MY BABY! :'( LOL don't forget to vote!! :)

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