Chapter 3

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: If you like the story plz let me know! I'm getting views but not alot of feedback, so plz comment and vote if you like it! :-*


The next morning, as I shook off the sleepiness and reached for my phone, I texted Kalenn asking her if she’d go to the movies with me and some friends that night at six. I sat up and set my phone down, stretching my tired muscles and popping a few joints. I looked around, still groggy from sleeping. Mornings were horrible, always. I rubbed my eyes and let out a long yawn. Before I even had time to wonder when she’d text me back, my phone buzzed. I practically jumped out of my skin with excitement. The text read,

I’d love to. I’m in dorm building A. I’ll meet you outside.

I grinned happily, now fully awake, and texted her back that that’d be fine. Throwing the covers off of me, I pulled on some sweatpants over my boxers and almost fell trying to pull them up. Once they were safely and successfully on I skipped downstairs and saw all the boys eating breakfast on the couch. I stepped in front of the TV and blocked their view. Niall threw a piece of potato at me and yelled, “Move!”

I smiled and yelled, “SHE SAID YES!”

Harry pretended to be shocked. “You’re getting married?!”

Louis smacked him on the back of the head.

“Ow!” He rubbed his head grudgingly.

I rolled my eyes and sat in between my four friends. “This girl I met yesterday is going with us to the movies tonight!”

Niall gave me a high five and Liam nodded proudly to himself.

“Well done lad.” Harry patted me on the back.

Louis just looked at me for a second and looked away, suddenly interested in the floor. He seemed to be deep in thought. I wondered if maybe he was mad at me for not being able to give him advice last night. I brushed it off though, knowing that there wasn’t anything else I could have told him that would be of an help.

I walked into the kitchen to make myself some food and called into the living room, “How many cars are we taking?” It was a pretty pointless question to most people, but I wanted to plan every detail of tonight in my mind ahead of time.

Liam called back, “Two. Cause I’m bringing Danielle and Harry’s bringing.. Someone.”

“Okay.” I answered. Harry’s someone was most likely the latest in his harem of women. There was a new someone pretty much every week. All of the boys had gotten used to his whore-ish behavior rather quickly, but Louis still found it disgusting. Literally. About a month ago he walked in on Harry and his someone fucking and ran to the bathroom, vomiting.

I grabbed some cereal and a bowl, digging the milk out of the fridge. I shut the door and set the bowl and cereal on the table. I tried my best to do everything slower than usual, so that the time would pass by quicker until six o’clock. But every time my attention was pulled away from my food, I glanced at the clock anxiously awaiting the evening hours.

Niall walked in and took in my tapping foot and restless behavior. “Excited?”

I practically spit the milk out of my mouth trying to say yes.

Niall chuckled. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this anxious over a girl before.”

I shrugged casually and continued to eat, In between a bite I sad, “She’s not a girl. She’s a woman.”

Niall put his hands up in defense. “Well excuse me Mr. Man!” He smiled and put his dish in the sink. “Just make sure you don’t scare her off first.”

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