Chapter 16

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HEY GUYS! I'M BACK! SOO sorry for taking so long to update, but I lost my password for my account lol. Finally found it. This is the last chapter, so I hope you lik it! Thanks for all the encouraging comments, when I first wrote this story I did not expect that so many people would like it. So thanks!


I glared at Louis, who was flitting around the kitchen making himself a sandwich.

"Why did you take my favorite jacket?" I asked him, trying not to let the venom in my voice seep out.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "It matched my outfit."

"Well don't you think you should have asked first?" I asked him.

He sighed and looked up at me, bored. "You're right. I'm sorry." He continued making his sandwich enthusiastically.

I took a seat on a barstool and fumed. He was acting like it was no big deal. It was a big deal, to me.

He slapped the bread together and rubbed it around, spreading the mayo. "So what are you going to do today?" He asked me.

I couldn't hold in my frustration anymore. "Well I was going to go out but someone used my favorite jacket without my permission and now it's in the wash!" I spat.

He spoke calmly to me. "It's not my fault your girlfriend lied to you. It's been a month. Get over it and go back to the way you were."

That was the last straw. I stormed out of the house, needing fresh air to clear my head. I decided against driving, and walked down the sidewalk.

As I walked around London, I came across The Parlor. Memories flashed thru my mind and I had to fight to keep back the emotion threatening to fill me. I kept myself stoic, but let the memories hit me.

She looked up, feeling my gaze on her and smiled sweetly. " I wasn't expecting this."

My brows furrowed together. "Expecting what?"

She looked around and took in her surroundings. "Something this beautiful. The whole set-up is...Spectacular."

I walked on past it, letting myself remember.

A few minutes later I stood in front of the fairgrounds, teaming with children and happiness. It was hard to believe that just a month previously, Kalenn and I were among those happy people. Once again, I let the memories flow.

As we neared the top, I expected Kalenn to be peering over the side taking a good look at the city. But I was taken by surprise as she grabbed my shirt with two fists and yanked me towards her. She crushed her lips to mine and for a second, I forgot what was going on. She took me completely by surprise.

I kissed back, however and it got intense. I groaned when I felt us going down to the ground again, and pulled away. She had a mischievous smirk on her face as she turned back to the view of the city. "Gorgeous."

After some more wandering, I found myself at fountain where tender moments took place.

I took her by the shoulders and gently turned her to face me. She looked up at me and her gaze rested on my lips. She bit her lip slightly, making her seem more enticing to me.

Out of courtesy, I asked, "Can I kiss you?"

"Please do." She mumbled.

So I pulled her closer to me and rested my lips on hers.

Another moment crossed my mind.

I opened the box, presenting the necklace with a silver Z hanging from a silver chain. She looked at it blankly for a full minute. I worried that she hated it, me and never wanted to look at me again. But I was shocked when she looked up at me and tears were in her eyes.

I chose that moment to ask, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

The tears flooded over and she hooked her arms around my waist. She buried her face in my chest and hugged me tightly. I laced my hands in her hair and embraced her back.

"Why are you crying?"

She pulled back slightly. "I'm just happy."

This was the place where we'd shared our first kiss, the place I asked her to be my girlfriend. And the place where I gave her a necklace to symbolize my commitment. It was also supposed to symbolize hers. I pulled the necklace from my pocket and examined it. Life would have been so different if my initial still hung from her neck.

I closed my eyes and breathed. I raised my hand and tossed the necklace into the fountain. I told myself that, from then on, I'd let bygones be bygones and forget what she'd done. I wouldn't hold anymore grudges, and I wouldn't need her anymore. I'd let go.

I opened my eyes and smiled. The sun took that opportunity to part the clouds and shine over me.

After that moving emotional experience, I needed caffeine. So I walked to a coffee shop on the corner and entered it. The smell of coffee beans hit my nose and I inhaled deeply. It was the same coffee shop I'd first met her in, but thinking about her didn't hurt me anymore. I didn't mind thoughts of her.

I looked to the front and saw that the rude cashier was still there, but he seemed a bit happier. Everything and everyone was having a good day it seemed.

Then I something familiar caught my attention. I saw the back of someone's head.

I stepped out of line and went up to her. I stood in front of her, taking her in. She hadn't changed at all, but change wasn't expected after a month. She appraised me too, a look of shock on her face.

I smiled slightly. Time to let it go.. "This place sucks." And start over.. "There's a better place a few blocks from here."

She smiled and hooked her arm in mine.

We left the shop together, happy.

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