Chapter 1

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AUTHOR'S NOTE! first chapter! WOOOHOOO seems like just yesterday I was writing this and now.. *sniff sniff* now I'm posting! AHH it's TOO MUCH! *goes into a hole and cries*

But seriously tho, it's great to finally post this all. I've worked my butt off getting this all together for you guys. So here's how it's goin down! If I get a couple votes I'll post the next chapter! Easy peasy, just click a button and BOOM!!! Another chapter! The second chapter will feature a contest (OH YEAHHH!) so click to vote for some more fun! I love you all, :-*


I slammed the door behind me and stepped onto the curb. I looked back darkly at the driver who smiled apologetically in return. I suppose it wasn’t his fault. But it still didn’t change the fact that I grumbled all the way into the small café.

A grown man needing a professional babysitter is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. Like I couldn’t have driven myself to the shop. I had just gotten my license two bloody days ago, I was aching to go somewhere solo.

When I got inside I stood behind the small line of people waiting to order their coffee and delicacies. With a line that long I could see it taking quite a long time to get what I wanted. Was a quick cup of coffee too much to ask for?

Thankfully, and to my great surprise, there weren’t many teenage girls in the shop. I could breathe without my eardrums bursting from squeals and screams. Not that I don’t love my fans, but a man’s got a right to some peace every once in a while. Peace was easy to find in this little spot. The lights were dimmed and soft lights hung over the quirky, mismatched tables and coffee bar. Light music was playing through hidden speakers, but it wasn’t anything I recognized. It was sort of like elevator music.

I flicked through my phone and scrolled down the tweets, stopping and smiling at a cute picture a fan tweeted me. I was just about to reply when I heard a commotion towards the front of the line.

“I don’t understand what you mean. Can you talk slower?” A brown haired girl was speaking with the cashier.

The guy looked quite annoyed. “Damn Americans! I’m speaking proper English! Go somewhere else if you don’t get what I’m saying!”

Before she could reply, I stepped out of line and went to stand in front of her. This guy was a douche. “Is that really how you speak to a lady? How did your mum teach you how to behave around women? Like a caveman?” I turned around, purposefully snubbing the rude employee and smiled at the girl in front of me. “Not all Englishmen are like that, love. My apologies.”

She blushed and nodded, looking down. Someone from behind us in line yelled for us to move on. I shot him an evil glare. “There’s a better spot about two streets down from here. I can show you if you’d like?” I was mentally praying she’d say yes. She was such a pretty girl with brown curly hair and bright green eyes.

Stepping out of line and earning a few appreciative grunts from the other customers, she silently nodded and an adorable smiled spread over her plump lips.

I tried to hide my smirk at the challenge of a shy girl, and walked with her to the door. I glanced towards the car and saw that the driver was preoccupied with his phone and took that opportunity to walk in the opposite direction, to the other coffee shop. “So what’s your name?” I asked.

She looked up, like she was unsure that I was talking to her. “Kalenn.”

I nodded, checking behind me to make sure the driver hadn’t spotted me. “Beautiful name, Kalenn. I’m Zayn.” I held out my hand and she took it.

She seemed to think for a moment, then spoke again. “That means beautiful in Arabic, right?”

I grinned at her. “It’s so cool that you know that.”

She looked down, blushing again. The cute redness on her cheeks made her even more beautiful. “Thank you, for back there.” She motioned in the opposite direction.

We paused at a crosswalk. “No problem. I can’t stand jerks like that. So what brings you to London?”

Her face brightened a bit. “Music.”

I grinned. A woman after my own heart! “What kind?”

“All kinds. I go to the London Music Academy.”

I knew all about it. It was a top notch music school, very hard to get in and even harder to stay in. All kinds of musical prodigies developed their talents there. I thought she must be good. “What do you play?”

We stopped in front of the coffee shop and I turned to face her, interested in what she had to say.

“Piano, guitar, flute, violin. And I sing. A little.” She chuckled at the last part. She seemed very confident in her musical abilities, not at all shy like I’d originally thought. I pretended to stagger back and looked shocked. “Good god! What don’t you do??”

She giggled at my expression. So cute. “Dance.”

I shook my head. “Unbelievable.” I opened the door for her and she stepped inside, stopped to smell the aroma.

The vibe from the café was completely different from the first one. It too was dark and quaint, but adorned with paintings of Paris, and the London Wheel. Cozy chairs were scattered around the room and a large brown couch sat by the window with a coffee table in front of it. Once we got our drinks, we went over to the empty couch and began talking.

After about three cups of coffee, my phone was almost dead from all the calls and texts I was getting from the driver and the boys. I ignored them though, too engrossed in conversation to be bothered. We talked of everything. From politics to music. But not once did I bring up, or did she mention One Direction, or my star status. Every time someone walked in and eyed me, I prayed they’d go away or not recognize me. Thankfully, they all seemed to look away or become disinterested.

It’s not that I wanted to hide my fame from her, I just thought that maybe her and I could actually go somewhere. We had a lot in common and I definitely wanted to see her again. Telling her I was in a famous boy band would probably scare her off, judging by her character. Giving her my number would be a tough one, but I thought it through on the way.

“I should get going now. Curfew’s nine on school nights and I have some shopping to do.” She checked her watch and nodded to herself.

I stood up, taking my phone out of my pocket and handing it to her. “Would you do me the honor?”

She looked at him oddly for a second. “What?”

It took all I had not to crack up at the confused expression on her innocent face. “Your number, love. If you wouldn’t mind?”

“Oh!” She blushed again and smiled widely. “Sure.” She took my phone and tapped her number into it. She handed it back and smiled at me.

“Thanks. I guess I’ll see you around?” My tone was hopeful, although I knew I’d see her eventually. And if not, she’d of course see me.

“Yeah, see you around.” She turned and walked out of the shop. I watched her pass the windows and walk down the street. As she got to the corner, I saw her grin madly and blush, looking down. I was quite sure that she was thinking of me.

Zayn's Story.. (A One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now