Chapter 5

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Author's NOTEEEEE: Teehee I like bold letter s -_- okay anyways,,,,

I has a secret!!

I not gonna tell youuuu....

OKAY here it is,

I'm currently working on another One Direction Fanfic (I won't give away too much) and need some help with certain shtuff.. Like certain scenes. I'm not the best at romantic writing LOL.

If you'd like to help me, PM me :) I'll give you full credit where earned! ;)



I awoke the next morning to the smell of pancakes. It wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who was cooking. Harry was pretty much the only one who had cooking down to a fine art. I don’t know where he gets it from, but it’s quite handy. It’s even better that he doesn’t mind being our chef.

I plodded down the stairs and followed the delicious smell to the kitchen. Harry had a spatula in one hand and a plate in the other. I got there just in time for the first batch. Everyone knows the first few pancakes are always the best. He set the plate in front of me and I grabbed for the syrup and butter. After five bites my mouth was in heaven, but I pulled away from my deliciousness to ask Harry a question that’d been bothering me.

“So what’s up with Louis? He’s been acting strange lately.” I shoved more pancakes in my mouth and waited for his answer.

He continued cooking for a moment, then when he turned to set another plate of pancakes beside me he said, “How am I supposed to know?”

I swallowed and added, “Well you’re both very close. You’ve always been best friends and lately you’ve been acting…I don’t know, cold to each other I guess?”

Harry dropped the spatula angrily and for a second I thought he was going to hit me. “I don’t know what the hell his problem is, Zayn, why don’t you ask him?!” He turned back around and kept on cooking. Defensive much?

“Alright alright, sorry. Didn’t mean to pry.” I picked up the last remaining bites of food and attempted to avoid bothering him anymore.

He sighed and paused what he was doing.

He turned around to face me. “I’m sorry I’m just frustrated. I shouldn’t have snapped on you. It’s just really been bothering me. I don’t understand why he’s acting this way.”

I nodded. “Maybe you should try talking to him. He is your best mate.”

Harry scoffed. “Yeah maybe.”

Our conversation ended when Liam came slinking down the stairs, his hair a disheveled mess and only wearing sweatpants. He sat in the seat next to me and pushed the plate of food away so that he could put his head down on the table.

“You look like you’ve been thrown into a meat grinder, Liam.” I commented.

He said something but it was muffled by his arm against his face.


He lifted his head up. “I was up all night talking to Danielle.”

I smiled. “You guys are still going strong I see.”

He nodded and laid his head back down.

Liam and Danielle had such a sweet relationship. Whenever Liam was upset about something, Danielle was there and vice versa. Most nights he stayed up talking with her until three in the morning. When she wasn’t away or working she came over to stay the night with him or he’d go stay the night with her. It was a perfect relationship. They rarely ever fought.

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