Chapter 2

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AUTHOR's NOTE! OKAY throughout this chapter some letter are strategically replaced with Z's teehee If you can find all of them I'll give you a prizee! please enjoy reading and let me know what you think. I know there are alot of One Direction fanfics out there, but give mine a chance! I promise you'll like it! :-* Thanks for reading!


I walked in the door expecting to be yelled at and harassed, but was instead met by only Niall, who sat on the couch eating pretzels. He grinned when he saw me and paused his process of eating. I came and sat down next to him on the plush couch.

“Where is everyone?” I asked him.

He swallowed what was in his mouth. “Upstairs. Everyone was worried about you.”

I nodded. I didn’t want to worry everyone, but I’m nineteen years old. I crave freedom. It’d be going against nature if I didn’t rebel every once in a while. I’m a Bradford Bad Boy for crying out loud! “Sorry about that.”

Niall zet down his bowl of snack food. “No it’s okay. We understand. What’s the point of a license if you can’t drive, right?”

This was why Niall and I were so close. He always understood me and even when he didn’t, he tried his best to empathize. “That’s exactly it.”

“The poor driver though,” He shook his head sadly. “he thought he’d lost ya! Called us almost in tears apologizing.”

I started to feel a bit bad about it all at that moment. The driver was an older man who had lost his own son about a year ago in a shooting. He’s been with us for a while and has come to think of us as his own. It must’ve been horrid for him to look up and realize I’d gone. I told myself I’d send him an “I’m sorry” card later on.

I got back to the topic burning in my mind. “I met a girl.”

Niall’s ears perked up and he grinned wildly. “Who was she?? Was she cute?? Was she tall?? Did she have a nice bum??”

I laughed at his enthusiasm. “Her name’s Kalenn and her bum is perfect for her.” That was the total truth.

Niall popped a few more pretzels into his mouth. “Is she a fan?”

I thought to myself. She didn’t even know who I was. I thought about telling Niall this, but decided against it, knowing he’d scold me like a mean old leprechaun. “Not really. But she’s a music student at the London Music Academy.”

“That’s awesome, lad! You get her number?”

I nodded and absently touched the phone in my pocket. I wondered when the appropriate time to call her would be. I didn’t want to seem desperate, but how soon is too soon? The best bet for advice in our house would be Liam. He always gave me great advice and was always there to talk to. He was like the more sensible and experienced version of Niall. Minus the Irish-ness, too.

I got up from the couch and grabbed one of Niall’s pretzels. He almost bit my finger off! “Jeez Niall! There just pretzels!” I backed away from his food.

“They’re my pretzels!”

That boy is crazy protective of his food.

I shook my head and headed up the stairs. I was about halfway up when I was met by a naked Harry, and a fully clothed girl following him closely behind. Her hair showed signz of serious assault. Harry gave me a cheeky wave continued down the stairs, his new flavor in tow.

A few months ago, I would have been shocked by his butt naked appearance, but I was so used to it now that I barely even noticed sometimes.

When I got to the top of the stairs, a door opened and out walked Louis, apparently crying. This was very out of character for him. He’s always so bubbly. He stormed up the hall and into his room. I thought about going after him, but decided that I’d probably get something thrown at me if I disturbed him. He wasn’t very pleasant when he was upset.

I stopped in front of Liam’s door and knocked. I heard him say, “Come in.” I opened the door and stepped inside. Liam was laying on his bed with hiz laptop in front of him, scrolling through a list of some sort.

“What’s up, rebel?” He closed his laptop and sat up.

I smirked. “Vas happenin?” I sat on the edge of his bed. “Just need some advice. Nothing too intense.”

He nodded and plopped down next to me. “You’ve come to the right place, young grasshopper.” He made his voice sound deeper than it already was.

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t go all crouching tiger hidden dragon on me, I just met a girl.”

“Ahh, and what’s the problem?”

I shrugged. “No problem, I guess. I just wanna know when I should text her. Or if I should text her. Maybe I should call her?”

Liam put his hand to his chin in thought, then formed his hand into a phone and held it to his ear. “VAS HAPPENIN? I was just calling to say what’s up and I know I just met you but you’re really pretty and I wanna get to know you better and-”

I put my hand over his mouth to stop him and cracked up. “I get it! My conversation skills aren’t as smooth as my singing. I know.” I pulled my hand away and he grinned.

“You should definitely text her, and probably tomorrow morning.” He nodded to himself, approving of what he said. “Give her time to think about you, but not enough time to forget about you.”

He was right, as usual. “Right. Brilliant.” I got up to leave and remembered the other problem I had. “She doesn’t know about One Direction. When should I tell her?”

He looked shocked. “Why doesn’t she know about One Direction?”

I rolled my eyes. “Pompous much? I don’t know. She’s from American, maybe we’re not as popular where she’s from.”

“Tell her as soon as possible. It’s better for her to find out from you than from the TV or radio. In fact,” he got his laptop and flipped it open again “why don’t you invite her to the movies with us tomorrow night. I’m bringing Danielle, ask her to come along. Less pressure than a date and it’ll give you a chance to get to know her better.”

“You’re a genius.” I started to walk out of the door.

I heard him say, “I know, I know.”

I walked over to my room and plopped down on the bed. Kalenn waz so hot. And so talented! I sat up and got my iPad from my bedside table and quickly turned it on. I logged onto Twitter and tweeted,

So much better than a normal coffee run. Hope I see her again xx

As I set it aside, my door opened and Louis walked in. He had stopped crying, but his whole body seemed anxious and tense. He immediately started pacing around my room.

“Umm, are you okay?” I didn’t know what else to say. It looked like he was about to go mad.

He looked at me. “How do I get a girl really fast? And not just some thirteen year old fan girl, a real lady.”

I looked at him for a minute, not sure if he was serious. But when he zegan pacing again I fumbled out a reply. “Well, I’m no love doctor but, I don’t think rushing into something will help anything.”

Louis stopped and looked at me.

“Why do you want one so suddenly?” He’d never shown that much interest in girls and sex before, so this was very strange for him. Tonight was all backwards concerning Louis.

He just turned around and walked out of the door, murmuring something about asking Liam instead. What a ztrange boy.


TWO MORE COMMENTS AND I'LL UPLOAD?? YOU CAN DO IT!! *Richard simmons voice* 

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