Chapter 14

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Author's Note:

It's been longer than I usually take to post. Sowey :-/ I've been rather preoccupied with Tumblr lol.

Oh n I changed my Tumblr name. It's now.. :)

SO here's chapter 14,



On the ride home I almost crashed twice. With tears blurring my vision and threatening to fall it was hard to make out the road and other cars.

I felt betrayed. I felt like a fool.

Her words kept replaying in my mind. I’m a cheater, I’m a horrible girlfriend. I’m not the person you thought I was, okay? Now you know.

I pulled into our driveway and struggled once again with my tears. I didn’t want to walk in the house as a heartbroken wreck.

I walked in the door and was greeted by Niall coming down the stairs. His happy grin turned into a look of concern when he was my pained expression. “What’s wrong?”

I shook my head and tried to go past him up the stairs, but he grabbed me by my shoulders and held me there.

“What’s wro-” He stopped when he saw me beginning to break down.

I opened my mouth to say something but ended up letting out a choked sob. Niall pulled me into a hug and let me cry on his shoulder. He rubbed my back comfortingly and didn’t ask any more questions.

When there was a break in my tears I pulled away and managed to get out, “She’s not the girl I thought she was, Niall.” Then I went back to ruining his shirt with my tears.

He sighed deeply. “You’ll find another girl. A better one.” He told me.

I thought about that. But no matter how hard I tried, Kalenn’s beautiful smile was planted firmly in my mind. I didn’t want another girl. I wanted her.

Sleep is like medication when you’re heartbroken. As long as you don’t dream, you can relax into a place where you don’t feel pain. I was awoken from my medicated state by a hand shaking my shoulder. I turned over onto my back and looked up. Niall was trying to wake me up.

“Someone’s here to see you.” He said.

I groaned and forced myself to get up. He walked out of the room and left the door open.

Once downstairs my heart tore in half all over again. Kalenn stood at the door, looking at the ground anxiously. Her eyes were red from crying and tears still glazed over her eyes.

“Kalenn.” I greeted her.

She flinched at the hardness of my voice and I instantly felt bad. “I understand if you don’t want to be with me anymore.” Her voice was quiet and raspy.

I didn’t speak.

At hearing my silence she closed her eyes and it looked like she was fighting back tears. She put her hand into her pocket and pulled out the necklace I’d given her days ago. She held it out and I was careful not to touch her soft hands as I took it.

“Bye.” She whispered and turned to leave.

I watched her walk out the door, but the second it clicked shut I was a mess again. I sat on the couch and clutched the necklace in my hand and cried.

It was over. We weren’t together anymore. I’d never get to feel the softness of her hands, her lips. I’d never get to see her beautiful smile or her dainty blush ever again. I tried to come to terms with it, but I knew it’d take time. Ultimately, I just needed to get over her and live my life. No matter how hard it was to do.

Right after my tears ceased, Liam walked in and sat next to me. His eyes showed the same stress and abuse as mine. He sat there in silence for an hour, not saying anything and not feeling the need to.

Louis came down the stairs, his usual bubbly self and peered over the couch at us. “Why are you all so mopey?” He asked.

We both turned to him and gave him death glares. Harry came down behind him and saw us.

“Leave them alone, Louis. Let’s go get some ice cream.” He said as he lead Louis away.

Liam sighed and finally spoke. “Women are hopeless.” His voice was harsh and void of happiness.

I nodded. “They are.” I’m sure my voice sounded the same.

Liam’s relationship with Danielle had been so wonderful that I never imagined anything could go wrong. I wondered what happened. “Why did you and Danielle break up?” I asked him, hoping I wasn’t intruding.

“We grew apart.” He told me. Nothing on his face indicated that my question upset him.

If Kalenn and I had stayed together with no secrets, no drama, I wondered if we’d have ever grown apart. She was my match in so many ways and we complimented each other so well that it was hard to imagine. Even now, when I’m hurt over something she’s kept from me, I still miss her. I miss her terribly.

I decided that we wouldn’t have. We had too much potential.

I believed that if we had stayed together, I could have loved her more than anything. She could have been the one I looked to in times of need and I would have been the same for her.

But considering my heartbroken state, another thought crossed my mind. The way I feel about her is so intense, so strong and so right. I began to see that I indeed, was in love with her.

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