Chapter 1 Let the games begin.

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Edited by BizarreSmalls

Chapter 1 Let the games begin.

I grab my wireless computer headset, turn them on and put them on my head. I fire up TeamSpeak on my computer and enter our private server. Shane and Ryan are already on, waiting. There isn't a voice system built into the game yet, they gave us a little keyboard to type messages with.

"Hey, look who decided to show up." Ryan calls jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah. I had to grab a few things before we start."

"Yeah Ryan, he had to get his popcorn, mountain dew and pee bottle. Just remember which one is which, right Ryan?" Shane jabs teasingly at Ryan.

"It was one time and I was drunk. When are you guys going to let it go?" Ryan growls angrily at us.

"NEVER!!!" We yell at him simultaneously.

"I hate you two right now. You know that, right." He growls at us.

"Shane, what are you going with?" I ask him.

"I'm going with an engineer specializing in clockworks. The clockwork minions I will be able to make look sweet." I can just see him rubbing his hands together, ready to send a small army of clockworks to cause havoc. "I love that each class is so flexible. I will be able to do long range damage and support at the same time."

"Alright, I'm next!" Yells Ryan over the chat. "I'm going to be a..."

"Tank." Both Shane and I say together.

"How did you guys know?" He says, starting to get mad.

"You almost always play a tank. Mostly something that is wearing heavy armor." Shane say's matter of factly.

"You might actually have to work to be a tank in this game." Ryan's biggest complaint is that it is too easy to be a tank in most online RPG's.

"Very true. I'm going with a paladin defender spec. Its got some nice self heals, and even a normal healing spell that I can use on others. It's not as strong as that of a true healer, but it could come in handy in a pinch. Plus I get to use heavy pistols powered by holy magic for quick ranged attacks."

"Nice, what are you going with Bao?" Shane asks already slipping into game mode using my gamer tag.

"I'm going with an outlaw gun mage spec." I told them firmly and waited for it.

"Are you sure you want to go with the outlaw class Bao? You normally go with something that's closer to a soldier than a rogue." I can hear the concern in Shane's voice over my choice.

"Yeah man, you hate the squishy classes. You like heavy armor like me." Ryan sounds confused by my choice, and on the surface they are right.

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