Chapter 7 Ready, Aim, Fire

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A/N: Alright people here it is. This Chapter is going out to Hashmall. You might recognize the name from chapter one. He is the guy I've based him on. No pressure right. Also to Shad; Steel Dawn's' first fan and to Cliuin, who's read all my works a big thanks. On the side is Imagine Dragons Ready, Aim, Fire set to AC3 trailer.

As always Vote, Comment and thank you for reading.

Edited by BizarreSmalls

Chapter 7 Ready, Aim, Fire

While we wait for Cleo to finish her batch of potions, I look around the square. There are maybe five hundred of us present. Where the hell is everyone? There were only six of us Outlaws that popped up and no late arrivals. There's supposed to be close to a hundred thousand of us. Even spread over three cities, I would think more people would have gathered here.

"Eddie, how many shamans were there when you went through?"

"Had to be well over a thousand, I guess. They were still there when we left. Why do you ask?" His group gathering around.

"Trying to do the math. Shane, Zander, Miranda how many do youfigure?"

"Bro, it was packed. I guess two thousand, most likely more."Figures. They were meant to be the rogue-like class.

"I would say fifteen hundred of us. That sound about right Cleo?"

"At least that many if not more." The class for the heavy hitting non magical ranged and the serious crafting inclined crowd.

"Closer to twenty five hundred I would guess, but I didn't get a good look before I left." Not surprising of the all-around class the druid was supposed to be.

"And only six outlaws. That doesn't sound right, does it? Did everyone show up at the same time?" I look from face to face. Eachone nodding yes.

"Kaladin was not exactly built as a prime starting point for the outlaws skill set. But still, you're right; only six of us is weird." Eddie says shaking his head.

"Well there's nothing we can do about it now. Zander, do you think you can make it back to where you started?" I turn to him.

"Yeah bro, I should be able to make it going over the roof tops.You want me to see if I can get them to move?"

"Yeah, if you can get them to move to tradesman square would begood. Even better if you could get some to swing down and join us at the mage tower." I stroke my beard in thought.

"And get anyone else we come across on the way to head their too bro." He grins at me seeing the plan to cover as much ground as possible.

"Not to be downer Bao, but there are only like two dozen of us. Ifwe're going to help the mages we're going to need help." Eddie says scratching the back of his head.

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