Chapter 12 Part 2

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Chapter 12 Part 2

How in god's name are supposed to fight that thing. This isn't Fraking WOW. If that thing step's on someone their going to turn in to a stain on the damn ground. Why are we here? Why are we fighting here? These question's resound in my mind as I look back towards the cathedral.

I easily spot our fallen. Even in the starting armor we where given they stand out among the skeletons and risen corpses. Some are in small clusters where they stood side by side tell the end but most are alone. They died all alone never knowing why they where here. Did they die screaming for their families or did they die screaming in rage an defiance like Peter and Paul most likely did.

Anger, frustration, and resentment bubble up with in me until it turns into all out rage. I will have answer's for the fallen. They will know why they died here. My gaze turns back to the remaining undead. A malevolent grin splits my face. It's their turn to die. Hal amplify my voice. I think to it. I hear a small click.

# “Ready Sir.” #

I declare open season on all necro's. I want their heads.” End amplification Hal. I hear another click.

Everyone's response is almost immediate. Cleo raise's her rapid fire crossbow and fires a stream of bolt through the undead surrounding the necro nearest her. One bolt slam's into the necro's shoulder. The clockwork gun roars to life. Bullets from the gun tear through the undead sending pieces flying. The necro's head explodes as a bullet slam's into it's head. A chunk of the undead mob drop to the ground as if their string have been cut.

I'm nearly thrown off my perch as a arrow zips bye. The force of the arrow is ripping a seam in the undead tide. I turn and look for the source of the arrow. Rina is standing there looking like something straight out of a samurai film complete with a bow that is taller than she is in her hand. Sky step's up with a different bow in her hands a glowing red arrow set to the string. It's The Falcon's Strike. She pulls back on the string and releases. What speeds away from the bow is not a arrow but a bird of flame. With a cry that is just as much the roaring of flames as the battle cry of a bird of prey. The undead that are touched by it's wings go up in flames. The fire bird buries it's self into the nercro's chest. The summoner of the dead doesn't even get a chance to scream before fire engulfs his body and he is burnt to ash be fore my eyes. More undead topple to the ground.

I turn back to my left. Rook and Ragnar have their dragon fire auto cannons drawn. They both fire. Arcing their shot's over the undead. Their necro is turning to run away. The two rounds detonate around the necro. A arm and I think a part of his face go flying to the left. Once more undead drop.

“Sorry Captain.” Yell Rook and Ragnar together.

The necro that raised the paladin turns and starts to run away. I catch movement next to me out of the corner of my eye. Ryan rip's his Holy Fire Heavy gun from it's holster and aim's at the center of it's back.

“I damn you to what ever passes for hell in this world.” Growls Ryan.

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