Chapter 3 Teaching the noob and dealing with reality.

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A/N: This chapter I'm giving a shout out to TaranM. His book Summoner is a fantastic must read for fantasy fan's. He touches on many topics in it. Class and race discrimination being a driving force for a number of the characters. TaranM takes what is still a touchy subject and treats it with the great respect it deserves. Ilook forward to his updates and his future works. So please help support him as he creates what is looking to be a epic story and world.

As always Vote, Comment and thank you for reading.

Edited by BizarreSmalls

Chapter 3 Teaching the noob and dealing with reality.

We walk down the street as quietly as we can. I have my helm in mode two, scanning for anything. About a hundred feet beyond the court yard, all but a few lamps have not been destroyed, leaving the street in shadow with wisps of fog floating through the air. We can hear explosions and the clang of metal in the distance.

We are about a hundred and fifty yards down the road when my scan picks up vague outlines in the shadows. I didn't know what to make of it until the scan found a special item; not just any special item, but mister cutlass' AC3 looking hand axe.

I turn to Ali. I holster my gun then put my finger to my lips and lean in next to her ear.

"I think I see mister cutlass up ahead. Follow me quietly." I speak softly in her ear. She nods and licks her lips in nervousness.

As we creep forward I can hear voices, but can't quite make the mout. We edge closer to the voices.

"Ha ha, what I tell ya brother, easy picking." Floats a voice out of the shadows. We duck into the deeper shadows.

"Yeah big brother, you sure were right. I wonder if there are more of 'em out there to be picked off."

We have finally gotten close enough to see them and we crouch down.Two men in dirty sweat-stained shirts and pants that have at least ahalf dozen patches a piece. Dark greasy hair, black, maybe brown.They are squatted down next to the prone form of mister cutlass. They have striped most of his gear off him. They are in the process of taking off his chest armor.

I turn to Ali. Her eye's are wide with fear. The best time to jump them would be now while they're distracted, or I could let them finish what they're doing and wait for them to move on. If we do that, what's to stop them from coming straight at us? Nothing. I sheath my sword and switch my gun to my right hand. I shake my gun,drawing her attention to it, then mime firing it at them, telling her what I intend to do. I think she got even paler when it clicked inher head about what I'm going to do. Eyes wide with fear, she mouth sokay.

I stand from my crouch and walk boldly out of the shadows. A strange calm comes over me and it feels like time slows. It's happened a few times in my life when something life threatening is going to happen: like the time I was in a bad car accident.

I raise my gun and fire at the man facing our direction. A standard light blue mage bolt slams into his left shoulder, spinning him to his left away from us. I adjust my aim to the other man. He spins to his left, forcing me to shift to my left as well. As he finishes his spin, he has a clockwork pistol of his own in his right hand. A magebolt slams dead center in his chest, throwing him backwards.

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