Chapter 11

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A/N: Wow another chapter ready to go. I can't believe that this story hasn't fallen out of the top 1000 since I posted the last chapter. I want to thanks everyone for there support.

Now I want to put out a little challenge. I like giving nods to movies, TV shows, books, and video games. Now the question is who can fined the most nods in my two books. Now these nods can be almost anything. Names, Lines, Items, and the like. Some are easy and some are really obscure. Now the prize is you will get the next chapter dedication in the book of your choice. Please play along I go to a lot of trouble to get these nods in my stories.

As always Vote, Comment and thank you for reading.

Chapter 11

Count Gram strides down the length of the great hall of the Duke of Kaladin's keep. The count is an older man in his early fifties. A stocky man who's solid frame is losing the age old battle with age. His brown eyes still hold the same fire in them that they did over twenty years ago when he was a young man. His dark brown hair and beard is peppered with white and gray.

I look up at my young duke as he sits on the throne like chair of his forefathers. He is tall like his father was. At over six feet tall. With a frame that hasn't finished filling out but promise's to be strong. He wears his chestnut brown hair long and his blue eyes are locked on to me as I approach.

I help his father, my best friend that I gladly called brother. Raise and train his two son's with his wife my dear sister by his side. I glance over at my sister. I'm shocked to see all the new gray threaded through her long auburn hair. I can also see a few more wrinkles around her eyes and mouth. Then again it shouldn't surprise me. Her husband is not even cold in his grave and his son's are fighting over his title. Where did we go wrong?

“My lord I have returned.” He frown at me.

“Uncle I have told you before that you don't have to stand on formality with me.” He says with a sigh.

“Formalities must be observed my lord nephew.” I give him a rye smile.

“Uncle you put me on my first pony and were standing there as father brushed me off after I fell off for the first time. You gave me my first dagger. Much to my lady mothers dismay. (A round of chuckling sweeps through the gathered nobles.) Most of what I know about being a warrior I learned at your side. If you can't keep me humble then who can.”

“Peace Caleb. I will try to do as you ask but old habits die hard.” I give him another rye smile.

“So you have seen them. What do you think of them uncle?” I can only grunt in response.

A lot of hope's are ridding on these mercenary's from another world. The kingdom's mages are heavily invested in its outcome. Caleb is hoping that they will help turn the tide the city watches battle against the syndicates. Then we can get those gods be damn fence sitters off there asses.

“Its a mixed bag at best Caleb. There are some among them that are fighters but most are not.(I grunt in disgust.) Some are so fat that they can barely run. As of this moment they're less then we'd hoped for.” I can feel the other nobles sink further into despair at the news.

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