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Micheal drove through the gates of the hell hole. I was actually early. We had half an hour until the bell ring. We stepped from the car and it felt like a scene from a movie. Despite being early there was a good amount of people here and they were all starring. It was as if their parents did not teach them it was wrong to stare.
"Just ignore them," Micheal whispered swinging his arm around my neck. Don't worry I wasn't freaking out.

On the outside that is.

I nodded and swallow the lump that was building at my throat.
We walked over to a group of boys dressed in black leather jacket.
You know, the stereotypical bad boys.

I rolled my eyes and hold on to his arm. I felt him stiffen for a while then he relaxed. I could feel his muscles as they contract. I seriously could hold on to them forever.

Are you listening to yourself right now? -came my sub conciseness.

"Get ahold of your hormones girl. He is a douche."

And just like every other time, my sub consciousness is right.

"Wat up guys," Micheal said greeting his friends. They did that bro hug guys always do. I drowned out what happened after that and just started to think about what have been these past few days.

"Carter! Earth to Carter?" I was pulled from my thoughts by Micheal.

"I wasn't listening. Sorry," I replied. And as if things couldn't get worse, my cheeks chose this time to imitate a tomato.

"Daydreaming about me?" He asked with a smirk.

"Not even in your wildest dream," I replied mirroring his smirk. Which earned me some cheers from his friends.

"She burnt you Mike," one responded. I think his name was Drake or Dylan. Somewhere there.

The bell finally rang signalling it was time for class. We all said our goodbyes. Everyone except Micheal who decided to walk me to class.

"You don't have to do this you know,"I said as I take my books from my locker.

"If I don't do it then you won't fall in love with me,"he replied and again with that smirk.

Well if he is going to be nice to me I could use it as an advantage right. We'll see who falls in love first. Let me tell you. It won't be me.


Finally it was the end of the school day. I had a great day. Micheal staying true to his words was kind. I was now sitting in his car waiting for him and Dylan to end their conversation.

I took out my phone and listened to some music in the mean time.

"Hey," Micheal said tapping my shoulder, "ready?"

"Yeah," I replied putting away my phone.

He closed his car door and put the keys in the ignition. Turned it and the car purred to life.

After 2 minutes of driving I realised that we weren't on the road that led home. We were on a very unfamiliar and lonely road.

"You know if you are planning on killing me I just want you to know I have pepper spray in my bag and I got a black belt in karate." I said.

"You know when someone is going to kill you it is never wise to give such information. Plus I am not going to kill you. I am taking you to dinner." He replied with his signature smirk.

"You know if you wanted to take me on a date all you had to do was ask," I replied with a smirk of my own.

"Well. Carter Hale. Will you go on a date with me where I shall make you fall in love with me," he asked.

"Sure. But I really doubt I will fall for you after one date," I replied.

"So you are saying after 2 or more dates you will fall for me?"

"No I was just being kind. What I meant was. I will never fall for you."

"Oh we will see. This is my challenge."


Micheal is being nice to Carter. Hmmmm. What do you guys think. Leave your comments down below.

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I love you guys for being patient with me.

Also check out my other book.

"Mend Me"
And vote, comment and share as well.

I love you guys so so much.
Until next time.
Peace out!!!!!!!


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