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Tomorrow is Monday the day I have been waiting for. Lana has a suprise for me and we are going shopping afterwards. I'm so excited for it except that I have to get up at 5am.


I got up and pulled my hair up in a bun. I'm surprised I slept through Lana's music. She always listens to music in the morning while she gets ready. I came downstairs to the smell of pancakes and maple syrup.

"Here you go little lady." Fred handed me my breakfast.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

I was eating my breakfast when Lana came downstairs in her robe and sat down in front of me. Fred gave her a plate of pancakes with syrup. She was making funny faces at me and I started laughing. She stuck her tongue out at me so the rightful thing to do was do it back. She giggled and started eating.
I got up to go wash my plate off but Fred took it and washed it for me. I went upstairs and took a shower. All i could think about was that tomorrow is the suprise lana has for me. After my shower I went into my room and got dressed. While I was brushing my hair sitting at the vanity in my room lana came in.

"Hey sweetheart."

"Hey mom."

"The boys are leaving for the 3 week in an hour so what do you say we Watch Once Upon A Time on Netflix."

"That sounds great mom."

"I'll make popcorn for us."

"Okay mom."

Lana came over and kissed my cheek and then went downstairs to make popcorn for us. After I braided my hair I went downstairs. Dad and the boys were going through their things making sure they had everything for the week. Mom was making the popcorn and I sat down on the couch and waited.

"Mom we are leaving." Matt said giving her a hug. The other boys came and gave her a hug as well. Dad gave her a kiss and picked her up giving her a hug which made her laugh. Jack, Matt, and Patrick came and gave me a hug. Then Dad pretended to leave but came back inside.

"Just kidding. Can't forget you little lady."

He came over to me and picked me up and gave me a hug. He sat me back down and left with the boys. Mom got the popcorn and came and sat next to me on the couch. She turned on season 1 of Once Upon A Time. Before she pressed play she said to me.

"I've never actually watched the show."

I looked at her and laughed. " you haven't watched the best show ever made. I probably know more than you do about it."

Lana looked at me I was kinda afraid that she took that the wrong way but she then laughed.

" Your telling me the truth. I don't even remember what I did for the second episode."

We turned our attention to the TV and she pressed play. We went through 2 seasons of Once Upon A Time and we were about to start season 3 when I realized it was 10:30pm.

"Mom it's 10:30 don't we need to be in bed?"

She looked at the clock and then looked at me.

"I'm glad you noticed I would of stayed up all night. Let's go to bed well watch season 3 tomorrow night alright."

" Ok mom."

"Wanna stay in my room tonight?"


She cleaned up the mess and sent me up to get in bed. I put my PJ'S on and when in her room and laid down in the bed and waited for her. She later came in and cuddled up to me.

"Goodnight mom I love you."

"Goodnight Pheobe I love you too."

I tried to sleep but I was still so excited for tomorrow's suprise. What could it be? I wondered for a while thinking of different things that we could do. Different places we could go. Then I fell asleep. My dream started off awesome. It was mom and I dancing and singing to Micheal Jackson songs. Then it went downhill. Mom took me back to the orphanage and Jessica hit me over and over and over. That dream woke me up. I raised up really fast and it scared Lana.

"What's wrong. Are you okay?"

I laid back down and held on to her while I was crying. She held on to me.

"It was only a dream. We can talk about it in the morning. Alright."


I feel really bad that I keep waking her up from my nightmares. I held onto her as I tried to fall back asleep. She kissed my forehead and went back to sleep. I finally fell back asleep a few minutes after she did.
     I heard the shower on but there was no music. I got up and went in my room. There was a outfit on my bed. It was a pair of jeans, a plaid shirt, a black tank top, and some white converse shoes. After mom got out of the shower I looked at her and she looked really tired. I felt bad because of last night. Waking her up wasn't intended. I went and took a shower and got dressed in the clothes that were on my bed. I brushed my hair and mom came in.

"Can i fix your hair?"

"Yeah if you want to."

Lana pulled my hair up in a messy bun and put a necklace on me.

"This is one suprise for you."

The necklace has a pendant of a feather and a P for my name on it. I knew that the feather was Lana's favorite thing and now she gave me one.

"Thank you Mom."

"Your welcome sweetie.. We have to leave in a few minutes so come downstairs and eat breakfast alright."

" Ok mom."

I came downstairs and mom had me some sausage and eggs on a plate at my seat. I sat down and ate my food and mom sat in front of me.

"Ready to go?"


We headed out to the car and left.

"It's a half hour drive to your suprise. Then afterwards we are going shopping at the mall near there ok."

"I'm so excited mom."

" What was your dream about last night?"

"It was like the other one."

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