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    Tomorrow we go home for a while. I can catch up with my school work and see dad, Matt, and Patrick. I doubt Jack will be there. Today I have to film the part were I leave without telling anyone. Then tomorrow i film Where I go. Then it waits until next season. I hate shows when they do that but I see why being an actress and all.

"And she walks off and CUT. That was awesome guys. Tomorrow is the last day. Can't wait to start filming for season 7 in a few months." Eddie said to everyone and Adam agreed laughing.

"You did really good today," Jared said  pulling me away from the crowd," I really wanna kiss you right now."

"What's stopping you?"

"I thought you didn't want anyone knowing right now."

"It doesn't bother me."

Being a sweet gentleman he picked me up which made me laugh and a few people turned awkwardly. Then he kissed me.

"Aww. You two are a thing?" Emilie asked. Then everyone turned around.

"Yeah. We are." He said looking at me and kissing me again.

"Lana they are adorable."

"I know right."

"I can hear you guys." He said.

"I'll be right back. Ok." He said to me.


[Lana's POV]

Jared came over to me.

"Hey lana is it OK with you if I take Phebs out tonight?"

He is a nice boy and he's not the type to go sleep with her so I yes he can.

" No i dont mind."

"Ok. Thank you lana."

[Pheobe's POV]

Jared came back over to me.

"Come on I've got something for you."

He took me to his car and opened the door for me. I got in and he got in the driver's seat and we left.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

We went down to the lake and we sat on the bench.

"Hey." He said to get my attention because I was looking at the lake and noticing the few people that were here.

"Yeah." I said turning to look at him.

"I love you Phebs." He leaned in and kissed me.

"I love you too."

An old couple walked by when he kissed me and they thought it was so cute. "Young love."

He then picked me up and carried me to the car. He put me down and we got in the car and left. We went back to set where our trailers are.

"The con is in a few weeks and I was wondering if you would go. Lana said she wasn't but it'll be me, Colin, and Jen."

"I'll have to ask mom but I would love to go."

"I'll she says you can you can ride with me and stay in my room at the hotel."


"Well. Goodnight." He said kissing my cheek.


I went in and mom was sitting at the little table.

"So. Where did he take you?"

"We went to the lake and sat for a little bit and talked."

"Sounds like fun."

"He wants to know if it alright with you if I went with him to the con."

"I don't know. Who's all going?"

"Colin and Jen are going."

"Ok. Well I guess."

"It's a 3 day thing and he said I could ride with him. It's in California. The first day is the 20th."

"Ok. Ok. That's fine. I trust him not to do anything stupid."

"Thank you Mom. Goodnight."

Next morning

I got up when and filmed and after we filmed we packed. I told everone goodbye and headed home. Jared lives about an 1 and a half from mom and I. I'm so excited. I can't wait to get home and the next 2 weeks to fly by. When we got home I unpacked all the clothes I had and we went out to eat with dad and the boys at a really fancy restaurant. After we ate and got home I went to my room and called Jared.



"Hey. What's up Phebs."

"I didn't tell you earlier but mom said I could go with you to the con."

"That's awesome. I can't wait."

We talked for about 2 hours and then I had to go eat dinner. Mom made chicken and rice one of my favorites. After I ate dinner I went up to my room to finish my work for the next 2 weeks.

1 day until the Con
It's lunch time we ate leftovers from last night and then I went to my room to pack for the con that's tomorrow.

"Mom. Help me pack. Please," I yelled at her." I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Ok. I'm coming."

She came and helped me pack my bag with cute clothes for the 3 day con and 2 extra outfits just in case we have to stay longer.

Then my phone rang.

"Hey. Is it ok if I pick you up today and we head out?"

"Hang on let me ask mom." I sat the phone down on my bed.

"Hey mom. Jared wants to know if he can pick me up today and we head out."

"Yeah that's fine."

"I picked it up."She said yeah it's fine."

"Ok. See you later."

"Ok bye."

An hour later I was getting really sick to my stomach so mom told me I couldn't go and she called him and told him to go without me. I felt really bad about it. She took me to the doctor where they told me I had the flu. We went home and I spent 2 weeks in bed eating soup alone.
     A few weeks later I went back to doing my work in advance I'm supose to be in 10th grade but I'm in my 12th grade book. I'm almost done with school at the age of 16.

"Sweetie November 13th there another con with me, Jared, Colin,Jennifer, and you. So you need to pack in the morning. It's in about 2 weeks."

"Ok mom."

"Goodnight Pheobe."

"Goodnight mom."

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