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The panel/con is in 2 days I can't wait. It's so exciting my first con. Well would be my second if I didn't get sick the first time. Mom came in and said quietly.

"Phebs. Let's go make breakfast for Dad."

"Ok mom."

Jack went back to college and Patrick and Matt went out to their friends house yesterday. It's just me, Mom, and dad. We made pancakes and bacon. Dad always makes breakfast so mom wanted to make it for him.

"I smell food." Dad yelled

"Goodmorning dad."

"Goodmorning Phebs." He gave me a hug.

"What about me." Mom said pretending to pout.

Dad went over to her and picked her up. Mom Laughed and dad kissed her. It was sweet but I didn't wanna seem weird do I said.

"Gross." And laughed.

"So I hear in 2 days you and mom are going to a panel. Are you excited?"

"Yeah. I'm so excited. I can't wait!"

"That's my girl. Panels are the best!"

We sat down and ate breakfast and then I went to take a shower. I got out of the show and went to my room. I shut my door and then I heard dad yell. I got dressed and Opened my door. I saw mom laying in her bed crying. I went over there and said to her.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Don't worry about it sweetie." She said wiping her tears away.

"Mom. I know somethings wrong. Are you and dad fighting?"

"Sweetie. Yes we are but it'll be fine. Now go get your hair fixed and we're gonna leave early so we can see Paris for ourselves."

"PARIS! we're going to Paris. I thought we were going to California."

"Yep. Paris. And there is more than one. First stop Paris, second Australia, and last is New York."

"Oh wow. I gotta pack more clothes. Why did you tell me it's only 3 days?"

"To see your reaction a few days before.(She laughed) I love you squirt. We're leaving around lunch time."

I ran to my room did my hair and packed almost all my clothes in my luggage bag. I ran back to mom's room.

"Ok.... I'm done." I said out of breath.

Mom Laughed and got up. "You have made me feel much better."

"It's my specialty." I said and mom Laughed.

"Your silly."

Mom got up and get ready and we left and headed to the airport. When we arrived Ginny, Josh, Colin, Emilie, Jennifer, Sean, and Jared were all there.

"Hey Phebs." Jen said to me.

"Hey guys."

We borded the plane and left for Paris. While we were on the plane Jared and I sat together. Mom and Jen were next to us and the others were scattered out. An hour later I fell asleep on Jared's shoulder. I was so sleepy.

[Jared's POV]
She's asleep how precious. I love her so much. She's so cute and beautiful. Lana looked over and laughed.

"What." I said

"Your stuck now."

I started laughing and she woke up.

[Phebs POV]

He was laughing I love him so much but sleep is sleep. I don't get it I'm cranky. I got up and looked at them and rolled my eyes. I rolled over and closed my eyes facing the window. I guess he felt bad and he put his hand on me and whispered.

"I'll make it up to you. Your sleep."

I turned over and looked at him and he kissed me. Lana peaked over at us and rolled her eyes. She leaned back and I guess she said something to Jen and she peaked over as well.

"I love you Phebs."

"I love you too."

"I'm sorry I woke you up."

"It's ok."

"Wanna stay with me in my room at the hotel if lana will let you?"

"Yeah. That sounds like fun."

He winked at me and I cuddled up to him again.

"How long do we have left?"

"Not much longer at least an hour."


I fell back asleep and next thing I know Jared woke me because the plane was landing.

"Yay. Paris! I'm so excited. I can't wait until tomorrow for the panel."

"Let's get covered and ready." Lana said.

I put a scarf on and some sunglasses. We headed off and into the airport. We got our things and as we were walking towards the door Lana tripped over her own feet which made people look and her glasses fell off.

" momma it's lana. It's lana. And..and the others."

Mom ran and we all followed her. We got in the cars waiting on us and we were off to the hotel.

"So. Lana."

"So. Jared."

"Can Phebs stay with me in my room? Please."

"I guess but no monkey business and I know you know what I mean."

"Lana you know me. No monkey business."

We arrived at the hotel and went to our rooms. Everyone bunker with someone except Jared at first he had his own but now it's with me! We put our things down in our rooms and everyone went on with there own business.

"Hey. Phebs. Come with me. No glasses or anything and yes lana knows about this."

"Ok. Where are we going?"

"It's a suprise."

We got in the car and we went to the Eiffel Tower. We went all the way to the top and looked around.

"It's so pretty up here. Let's take some pictures."

"Ok. I'll take it."

He took some of just me and then we took some together. We kissed in one and a girl saw us and freaked out.

" Bonjour vous êtes jared et votre phoebe." (Hello your Jared and Pheobe)

" Bonjour, quel est votre nom?" I said.
(Hello, what's your name?)

" je m'appelle Claire."
(My name is Claire)

"Voulez prendre une photo ensemble?" I asked.
(Want to take a picture together)


"Un avec le vôtre et un avec le mien."
(One with your and one with mine)

We took the pictures. She said Merci s
for the pictures and we left.

"I didn't know you could speak French. But that was sexy."

"Thank you I meant for that to be." I said laughing.

We went back to the hotel room which is one floor about the other guys. We walked in and closed the door. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me very romantically.

"I know she said no monkey business. But.. what about some monkey business?"

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