Chapter [14]

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Chapter 14

As the company slept, you lay there, with your eyes closed, but not sleeping. You could hear Bilbo packing up his stuff, ready to leave. But what you weren't expecting was the tap on the shoulder. You opened your eyes and looked up, Bilbo stood there, looking down at you. He untied you from the ingrown rock that stood in the side of the cave. "Come on (Y/n), let's go. I'll untie your wrists when we get outside."

He led you through the sleeping dwarves. "Where do you think you two are going?"

Bilbo stopped at the sudden comment, taking a deep breath before turning to face Bofur. "Back to Rivendell."

Bofur stood up immediately at his words, looking desperately between the two of you. "No, you guys can just turn back now, your both apart of the company! Your one of us!" He turned his pleading eyes on you, hoping you would change your mind, along with Bilbo's.

"We're not now are we? Thorin said I should never have come, and he was right. I'm not a Took, I'm a Baggins. I don't know what I was thinking. I should have never ran out my door..." He paused, glancing up at you before continuing. "And (Y/n) never even had a choice in whether or not she wanted to come... Thorin forced her to come... so I'm taking her back with me... to Rivendell and setting her free... where she can choose where she would like to go..."

"Your homesick, I understand-"

"No you don't! You don't understand. None of you do. You're dwarves! You're used to-to this life. To living in the road, never staying in one place, never belonging anywhere!"
You could see that Bilbo instantly regretted his choice of words. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't..." He stopped himself from making things worse.

"No... your right, we don't belong anywhere." Bofur said, looking back at the company, as if making a point by seeing his friends sleeping in a cave in some mountain, almost freezing to death. "I wish you all the luck in the world... both of you... I really do." He said while patting Bilbo on the shoulder.
Then he turned to you. You were expecting a simple 'good-bye', but instead, he wrapped his arms around you, bring you into a hug.

You could hear the small sniffle that came from Bofur. You felt bad for him, so you leaned down, so you could whisper in his ear. "I'm not leaving the company just yet my friend."

He looked up at you, confused by your comment.

But then the sudden creaking and groaning sounded from the floor. "I'm still needed here."

Thorin shot up with a yell. "Wake up." When none of them bothered to move, he hit one of them and yelled louder. "Wake up!"

Everyone scrambling up, but it was to late to run, the floor gave way. Everyone fell down the tunnel. It all happened so fast, and the next thing you knew it, you were all being dragged off by the Goblins. Brought before the Goblin King himself.
"Who would be so bold to come armed into my kingdom? Spy's, Thieves, Assassins!"

"Dwarves, your Magnificence, and a human female." One of them informed.

"Dwarves?" He asked, sounding surprised.

"Found them on the front porch!"

"Well, don't just stand there. Search them!" He commanded.

As they searched all of you, they found Nori's stash bag of stolen elvish stuff. "They're in league with the elves!"

With a look of disgust, the Goblin King threw it off the side of the bridge. "What are dwarves doing in these parts?"

There was a silent pause, and no one spoke.

"Well, if they will not talk, we'll make them squawk! Bring out the Mangler... bring out the Bone Breaker!" The Goblins cheered with every machine that was being named. "We'll start with the youngest!" He pointed at Ori. The dwarves eyes widened and tried to keep Ori in place as the Goblins began trying to drag him away from the group.

Thorin had had enough, he was about to make his way to the front of the company, but you stopped him by stepping in front of him, keeping him from the King's sight. Thorin opened his mouth to say something, but you gave him a warning glare.
You walked to the front of the party. You could hear some of the dwarves trying to stop you, but you paid them no mind. "Neuken Vlek, I am the one that you will speak to, for I hold all knowledge."
The room grew quiet as you spoke, they were not expecting this, that's for sure.

Thank god no one knew what Neuken Vlek means, or this could have ended badly for you.

"I must say, it is an honor to see you in all your glory. I would like to make a proposal to you... if you will allow it of course." You hated this, but it had to be done... time to kiss ass if you want to make it out of here alive.

He looked at you for a second, then nodded, liking the 'respect' you gave him. " I will allow you to proceed, but um... who are you exactly?"

"I am but measly a seer of future and past, I go by many names, but for now, you shall know me by the name (Y/n)." You said with mocking politeness.

"Alright seer, I have one last question for you, before you proceed."

"Anything you wish to know is in your grasp as long as I stand here." You smiled.

He nodded. "Why are your wrists bound with rope?"

"Why, that is because I am being imprisoned by a dwarf king, for he fears my abilities." You said, flicking your sight to the group.

The Goblin King nodded, seeming satisfied by your answer. "Now what are you going to do seer?"

"I am going to tell you your future. Now... stick out your hands." You said, trying to think of any ways to buy some time.

He did as you said and stuck out his large, nasty, wart covered hands.

You were going to regret this.

You placed one hand on top of his hand and one under it. You closed your eyes and waited a little bit, for dramatic build up. But the King wasn't all that patient. You could feel him shift on his staff. "Well seer, what do you see?"

Deciding to be a bit poetic with this, you spoke, choosing your words carefully. "For future, it is dark after today. A blinding light, followed by a figure in gray. You shall fall from your throne, slain by the one sword called Glamdring." You opened your eyes and drew an invisible line across his stomach. "But, as you fall, you will get your revenge after death."

You were referring to when his body falls on the dwarves.

He looked frightened for a second, but then nodded at something behind you. As you were about to turn around, something cracked... Like a whip.

You feel the searing pain in your back. You Gasped and stumbled forward. Then it happen again... And again... Over and over, not stopping.

You could hear the dwarves yelling and trying to shove their way through the Goblins.

"Do not threaten me 'seer' with death. I will not tolerate it!" You could hear the smirk in his voice.

You were on your knees now, but through the pain, you could still feel the blood rolling down your back. You just knew there were rips and tears in your shirt, but you could care less right now.


The whipping stopped.
You shut your eyes, knowing who it was...

_________ ___ __ _

Short Affections (Thorin x Reader x Bilbo) Book 1 of 3Where stories live. Discover now