Chapter Two

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Keith lays in his bed, trying to push away the thoughts, but they kept crawling back. He thought back to the day he found out he was Galra. When he passed out that day, he saw a vision of his father. Keith hasn't seen his father in years. In the vision Keith heard his father say "Your mom will be here soon." If only Keith had waited to know what he was talking about. Keith has never met his mother because she disappeared after he was born. Keith knew absolutely nothing about his mother, and his dad never spoke of her. Keith's dad wasn't the nicest guy, but he never did anything bad to Keith, well that is, until the day he left. 


On Keith's 12th birthday his father left. Keith didn't have, or want for that matter, any friends to celebrate with him. The only friend he had was his teenage neighbor named Shiro, but Keith didn't really feel like inviting him over. Keith's birthday was never a big deal in his home since his dad didn't care enough to remember the date. Keith just treated his birthday like any average day. On his 12th birthday, Keith sat on the couch with his father watching some dumb news show that he wasn't really paying attention too. Young Keith's thoughts were racing about his mom. So many questions have been forming in his mind for years. 

Today was a good day to find out a little bit more about his mother. Keith has been wondering about her his whole life. His dad never mentioned her, but since it was his birthday, Keith assumed that it would be an alright day to ask. He turned to his dad and nonchalantly asked "Hey Dad, what was mom like?" Those words changed Keith's life forever. His father's eyes widened, then filled with tears. His father sat motionless on the soft red sofa. His father looked down to Keith and said "Keith, you do not speak of her in my house." Keith could sense the anger in his dad's tone. Even as a little preteen, Keith was not one to back down. Keith stood up and shouted at his father, "Dad! I deserve to know about my own Mom! I've had to live my whole life knowing absolutely nothing about her! At least tell me her name!"

Unluckily for Keith, his dad is just as hot headed as he. His father yelled back, "Keith! I was stuck raising you because of her! I don't want to talk about the traitor that is your mother." That moment Keith's life changed. For the next 4 years of his life in the silence he heard the words "Stuck raising you" replay endlessly. Keith stood in shock for a few moments before shouting back, with flames in his eyes, "What kind of father are you? You won't even tell me the name of my own mother! I bet she would have done a better job raising me than you!" Keith wanted his words to sting as much as his dad's words stung him. Immediately as Keith said this, he regretted it. Keith's Dad stood up and grabbed his keys and said "Goodbye Keith." and left. Keith waited for him to come back. 

Keith waited for hours. He stood in the middle of the room unable to move. Thousands and millions of fearful, insecure, horrible thoughts flew through his head. Keith tried to comprehend all that had just happened. Keith felt absolutely hallow. He drove his own father out of his house. He was left alone. Alone. 

Around 7 that night he heard a knock at the door. Keith slowly walked to answer it, praying that it was his dad standing at the door. His dad was never a nice man, but it was the only family Keith had.

As he opened the door he saw his neighbor Shiro and was immediately disappointed. "Happy birthday buddy!" Shiro said out proudly with a big chocolate cake in his hand. Shiro was quick to notice the look of sadness on Keith's face. It was normal to Keith to be emotionless, but never sad. Shiro questioned, "What's wrong Keith?" Keith began to cry, there was nothing else left to do. Shiro and Keith sat on the couch as Keith told Shiro was had happened earlier that day. Shiro talked to him all night, reminding him that he is a great kid with lots of potential. Shiro offered to let Keith stay with him and his family. 

At that moment Keith felt so vulnerable, so powerless. His only friend knew all of his insecurities and weaknesses. Keith vowed to himself that he would never let anyone else ever see him weak again. 

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