Chapter Eight

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Keith slowly awakes. He and Lance both slept in past the ship's alarm clock, so they are both going to miss breakfast if they don't hurry up. Keith tenses as he feels Lance's arms around his waist. Keith smiles as he remembers what Lance said last night, but he brushes the feelings away. He shakes Lance to wake him up. Lance groggily opens his blue eyes to see Keith's face. His eyes light up as he sees Keith. Keith looks so cute with his messed up morning hair.

"Morning Keithy-boy!" Lance says in a happy tone. 

"Come on get out of bed! You gotta get back to your room to change so we won't look suspi--" Keith is cut off as the door opens. Petrified the boys tense up at the sight of the black paladin.

Confused, Shiro stands at the door. Shiro immediately notices Lance in the bed with Keith, it was obvious he spent the night. The black paladin clears his throat, "Uhm. Keith I just wanted to talk to you, but it seems right now is not a good, um time," 

Lance leaps up from the bed. "Don't worry! You guys can talk! I was just about to leave anyways. Bye Shiro! Bye Keith!" Lance winks at Keith as he leaves him to deal with the awkward conversation with Shiro.

"I just came in here to apologize for telling Lance about your personal business," Shiro says breaking the awkward silence.

"It helped me and Lance get along, so I guess it's for the best." Keith replies, sitting very uncomfortably on his bed. 

Shiro grins and asks, "So it seems you and Lance got along very well just now... Are you two a thing now?"

Keith's eyes widen. Are he and Lance a thing? Lance did sleep in the same bed as him, and he winked on the way out. But that could have just been Lance messing around. "No!" Keith shouts, "He just came by last night to apologize, and I let him stay in here because it was pretty late, and it was freezing in the halls last night," Keith adds. Everything he said was true, but he did leave out many details.

"I see." Shiro is not entirely convinced, but decides not to prod.

Keith rubs the back of his neck and blurts out,"Would it be wrong if I liked Lance?"

Shiro smiles, "There is nothing wrong with liking a boy. I am proud that you told me, but really? Lance? You wanted to rip his head off just yesterday!"

"I know, but after hanging out with him yesterday, I saw a whole new Lance. I didn't think he was anything but an annoyance until we started talking."

Shiro laughs, "I'll trust your judgement. Thank you for opening up to me about this Keith." Shiro stands up and walks over to the door and adds, "I'm sure you're going to want your normal seat back at breakfast if this is the case."

Keith laughs and says, "Thanks Shiro, I'll meet you there. I need to change before I go." Shiro leaves with a quick bye, and stands outside of Keith's room.

Shiro smiles and crosses his arms in satisfaction. Keith was finally learning to open up to people, and that makes him so proud to see him grow.


As Keith puts on his black shirt and pants, he goes to the closet to get his jacket. His jacket is gone, and Lance still has it from last night.

Keith walks over to Lance's room to grab his red coat. He hears the shower on. His heart is beating fast, but he refuses to wait for Lance to finish. "Lance! I need my jacket!" He shouts. The shower suddenly stops and moments later, Lance opens the door. Keith laughs because Lance's hair is all sudsy and he is wearing nothing but a towel.

"What do you want?" Lance says in a irritated voice.

Keith feels kind of stupid interrupting Lance's shower for a piece of clothing. Maybe it was just an excuse to see Lance, but whatever it was, he knows he wants his jacket back. "Can I have my jacket back. It's my only one."

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