Chapter Ten

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This is my last chapter. Thank y'all (summoning my texan keith) for reading. This was super fun to write, and thanks for all the support :3 also shoutout to my pal grodybrody for bringing a few ideas to this fanfic. Now let's all hope that Klance is cannon in the seasons to come :-)

The door slides open and Keith hears a soft, "Hey." Lance steps into Keith's room, immediately noticing the anger on the pale boys face.

Keith violently looks up at Lance and shouts, "Why does everyone have to ruin everything?"

With pain in his eyes, Lance manages to force a grin and say, "Hey man, calm down. It will all be okay."

Vigorously standing up, Keith shouts, "Why does everyone even care?" 

Lance pauses for a moment to ponder then replies, "Why do you even care?" This question draws Keith aback. 

Flustered, Keith stammers, "I... just... I don't know! I don't like people in my grill!" 

This causes Lance to laugh, "In your grill? This isn't a barbecue Keith."

Cracking a smile, Keith says, "Shut up." Keith starts to calm down, so he goes on, "I don't like people knowing what I'm feeling. I only wanted you to know... but now it feels like everyone on the ship is inside my brain." 

Lance instantly admires how Keith's nose crinkles up in embarrassment as he speaks, and blurts out, "God, you are so adorable."

Keith's face morphs into a confused expression, causing Lance to realize he said that aloud. "What? uh you too I guess." Keith says befuddled.

"You are so cute. 'I only wanted you to know' is the purest thing I've ever heard." Lance replies. He can't help but smile at Keith.

"Excuse me?" 

Lance continues, "Most people don't care this much. You have spent so much of your life closed off from your feelings, and now you have found one person to share yourself with. That's actually so pure."

Thousands of feelings rush over Keith. He feels a blush on his cheeks, but he fills rage flowing through his veins. Me? Pure? He thinks. He can't bring himself to retaliate at the statement, in fear that he will ruin everything, so he remains silent. 

Unsure what to say, Lance says what is on his mind, "God, I want to kiss you so bad right now." 

Keith sighs, then grunts, "Fuck it," and leans into Lance's soft lips. Adrenaline rushes throughout both of the boy's bodies. All of their emotions slip away as their lips lock. Lance's hand brushes through the other boy's soft black mullet. The kiss only lasted a quick moment, but that was as long as they needed.

As they pull away, both boys stare at each other wide eyed. Lance's face creeps into a smile and soon follows Keith. Breaking the silence, Lance says, "That was amazing."

Slowly lowering his head, Keith slowly says, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I don't know how to handle my emotions, and I just-" Keith stammers, but is cut off by Lance.

"You don't need to be sorry," Lance says as he leans over to brush a piece of hair out of Keith's face so he can see his eyes. "I can't believe I'm saying this, to YOU of all people, but I think I'm in love with you. There's always been this spark between us since we met. I didn't think much of it, but right at this moment, I'm positive that I want to be with you. You are no where near perfect. I am perfect, but I do admit, I have some faults. But I think we really balance each other out perfectly."

A small smile appears on Keith's lips, "I love you too Lance." 

"Aw come here." Lance says, drawing Keith into a hug. Their warm arms embrace each other in a hug. Keith rests his head on Lance's broad shoulder. 

Yesterday feels like a distant memory, but that's okay. Right now, forever is the only thing on their minds.

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